
I am the mother of a just turned 18 year old daughter who LOVES riding my Stromer ebike. In fact, I bought myself a full suspension Haibike since the takeover. We also live in a very hilly area and bike riding wasn't much fun here until I bought the Stromer. We have both discovered the joy of riding again.

My daughter actually doesn't like the Haibike since it is so obviously an electric bike. But you can't go wrong with a Haibike. I suggest looking at the Easy Motion bikes - the Cross, 27.5, or 650B jumper. Also, spend a little extra on the helmet - a good MIPS reinforced helmet.

I wouldn't worry too much about buying online. I bought both my bikes sight unseen after reading about them here and elsewhere. We just do not have ebike dealers at all in Chapel Hill/Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina. I have taken the bikes to my local bike shop for tune ups and I am sure they can address problems that arise. My bike shop loves these bikes. I have let their staff take them out for a spin - they like the Hainike best.

I suggest you give Lenny a call at Lenny's ebikes in Madison, Wisconsin. He has a great selection and great prices.
@Cyclemom it depends on what your definition of affordable is. With eBikes specifically, you get what you pay for. The current sway of the industry is to go for a Mid drive or Center drive motor. .

There are far more new bikes with hub motors than there are mid drives. Especially at the cheaper end, but plenty of high end, high powered bikes are hub motor powered.
Anyone looking for affordable needs to talk with Crazy Lenny's in Wisconsin. Some great deals on lightly used dealer demos and such. Aside from very good deals all the time.