Newbie waiting for my bike!


New Member
Hi ordered my first ebike last month from 50cycles in the uk 🇬🇧 Having to wait till November before I get my hands on it! BH Atom Diamond Wave Pro.
Can’t wait to get out there. Looking for some commuting clothing for my ride to work at the moment and a helmet of course!
Welcome to the forum!

The waiting for your new bike must be terrible. Two month wait! Must feel like forever.

What's the weather like where you are... do you get snow? Here in Montreal it's already almost freezing temperatures and our cycling season ends probably by mid-November. I hope you'll be able to enjoy your bike once it arrives.
It’s around 11 degrees currently, rarely get snow these days, but quite a lot of stormy weather around now. Lots of flooding around this area at the moment which is causing havoc on the roads as everyone has to use alternative routes when traveling to work.
My normal 30 minute commute took 1.5 hours last week! Could really do with the bike now. The dealer has offered me a trade in to use until my bike arrives, so may take him up on the offer.
Never been to Canada, its on my bucket list though, hopefully get there one day.
It’s around 11 degrees currently, rarely get snow these days, but quite a lot of stormy weather around now. Lots of flooding around this area at the moment which is causing havoc on the roads as everyone has to use alternative routes when traveling to work.
My normal 30 minute commute took 1.5 hours last week! Could really do with the bike now. The dealer has offered me a trade in to use until my bike arrives, so may take him up on the offer.
Never been to Canada, its on my bucket list though, hopefully get there one day.
Uncleippy that is a nice looking bike that you have selected. May it serve you well.
Devastating news today, The company I ordered my bike from have gone into liquidation!
So 3 months down the line I have no bike and lost £2,300.
Hopefully I get something back, and start over looking again.
WOW... 50cycles has been around for a long time. Sorry Ucleippy. Hope you can get something back.
Devastating news today, The company I ordered my bike from have gone into liquidation!
So 3 months down the line I have no bike and lost £2,300.
Hopefully I get something back, and start over looking again.

What method of payment did you use? If it was through a credit card, it may be possible to get a refund through the credit card issuer. It's worth a try for that amount of money.
What method of payment did you use? If it was through a credit card, it may be possible to get a refund through the credit card issuer. It's worth a try for that amount of money.
Just got my money back from the bank though the visa protection!
Happy days, need to start over again now deciding where to go next.

Glad you got your money back.
Looking forward to a photo of your new ebike when you get it.