I bought one! Fast shipping, no damage.
I'm 5' 9" and it is a little bit small for me. My knees nearly hit the stem when getting off the bike. I can almost put my feet flat on the ground while sitting on the seat, but get ok leg extension.
I measure 43" handlebar height at it's maximum. A taller handlebar looks possible. There is maybe 4" of slack in the cables with the handlebar all the way up.
The front light has a lens the makes a keystone shaped beam with a sharp cutoff. The lit area is bright enough, but there is no light beyond the beam. A helmet light helps light the periphery. I put another light on the handlebar crossbar that is so bright the bikes built in light isn't really needed.
The rear lights are awesome.
The tires only go to 36psi so they feel squishy to me. They are knobbies which is just wrong. This is a street bike.
I rode Worksman trikes at work for many years, they are very heavy duty.
The global standard in heavy duty industrial trikes, with 26 inch wheels and a SINGLE SPEED coaster brake. Shown With optional cargo cabinet and rear fenders.
Worksman Mover(TM) Industrial Tricycle M2020-CB - The Worksman Cycles Factory Direct Store, America's Oldest Cycle Manufacturer, Industrial Bicycles and Tricycles, since 1898
The Lectric trike feels much more flexy. Part of that is the tires, part of it is the rest of the bike. I can see it flex when I lean to the side and I'm 100 lbs under the maximum rating.
The maximum speed is 11mph by default. The turbo setting is 13mph which is about right for this trike.
The gearing gives about 9mph at a comfortable cadence, but the bike goes 11 (or 13), so not a good match.
Mine came with the baskets. The 'large' rear basket could have been much larger. I will move it to the front and get a larger basket for the rear.
No password or keys needed to steal this trike. The keys are only for removing the battery. How much would a password function have cost?
Overall its an excellent value.