New guy from Fresno Cali


New Member
I placed an order for an AM-1000 and can't wait to get it out. I also picked up a pair of Radpowers last month, one Rover and a Mini. And if that is not enough, I rebuilt my old pedal bike over and just t ordered a battery pack and hub for it!

Thanks everyone for the amazing resource here! Lot of great folks with incredible info! I look forward to learning and contributing as much as I can.
And that may be a better thing than at many other times. (Parts availability delays.)

Welcome to EBR Judeczz
I placed an order for an AM-1000 and can't wait to get it out. I also picked up a pair of Radpowers last month, one Rover and a Mini. And if that is not enough, I rebuilt my old pedal bike over and just t ordered a battery pack and hub for it!

Thanks everyone for the amazing resource here! Lot of great folks with incredible info! I look forward to learning and contributing as much as I can.
Ride safe, be well
I envy your enthusiasm. There is joy in every ebike ride. Best wishes for happy rides!