New ebiker


New Member
Got my first e bike (ecotric hammer) and have not ridden it very much yet. I am an old fat guy and am getting the bike adjusted to me. I had to replace the seat post with a solid post to lower the seat two inches. Looking forward to riding much more as the weather permits.
Welcome from another not young, not in great shape rider! Got my first e-bike this summer and have thoroughly enjoyed exploring new trails. I haven’t transformed into a younger fitter man but I have many more hours being outdoors physically active than in years past. Can’t wait for summer!
Got my first e bike (ecotric hammer) and have not ridden it very much yet. I am an old fat guy and am getting the bike adjusted to me. I had to replace the seat post with a solid post to lower the seat two inches. Looking forward to riding much more as the weather permits.
Welcome, and Happy New Year!

Be sure to share you rides, and bike questions, with us. 😎
Welcome to EBR, a friendly place where you can ask questions and get answers. Don’t let your size hold you back and everyone has to start somewhere. Ride a little until you get used to what the bike is capable of and extend your riding time a little more. You will develop more confidence the more you ride. Just remember to ride safe. Good luck and HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Welcome Jag. I have a Ecotric Hammer too .... love it ! Feels like a Humvee, impervious to the ground below, LOL.

Start easy, be careful, have fun! These ecotrec's are
almost bulletproof...
Update and question, I have been riding some the last two days. My battery 48volt and 13.4 amp hrs. Still shows full charge, I have not ridden very far. When should I recharge the battery? I know over charging is not good and not charging soon enough is also bad. I try to ride often but can't go very far yet. Any suggestion?
I recharge mine after 23 miles, which is also about 2 of 4 lights on the battery gauge. My normal route is 23 miles, so I don't think the battery would last two trips, and I sure don't want to have to pedal this beast home with no assist, LOL. BTW, with only 4 status lights, when 2 are lit, it could be anywhere from 50% remaining (optimistic) or very close to 25%. I think the battery gauge on the bike's display is more of a recent average, than an overall average.

I have assumed the charger is smart, so I just plug it in and do not monitor it. If I think about it, I'll try to unplug the charger when the status light turns green, but often I forget and unplug it the next day. The charger gets warm when charging, but is completely cold to the touch in a few minutes, after the status light turns green.
Update and question, I have been riding some the last two days. My battery 48volt and 13.4 amp hrs. Still shows full charge, I have not ridden very far. When should I recharge the battery? I know over charging is not good and not charging soon enough is also bad. I try to ride often but can't go very far yet. Any suggestion?
Lithium batteries don't show a decline until they are almost dead. Certainly below 25%, and because of the voltage cutoff they can shut off unexpectedly at that point. I would not wait until you notice a decline or the last battery bar for most of your riding. The best case is to find a good charger that lets you charge to 80% or so, and charge after each significant ride until you plan to park it for the season (if), but if that isn't an option you might want to test ride it all the way to noticeable decline once or twice, and then use that mileage to figure out a reasonable buffer that doesn't let the battery get below 25-30% in daily use.