New Como 3 owner with battery questions


Need a little advice regarding Specialized battery usage. Been enjoying the heck out of this bike but have a couple of questions.

First, does it matter how much the battery is discharged before recharging?

Second, due to storage constraints I've been removing the battery whenever it's not in use. Is there a greater chance of electrical malfunction if the battery is inserted and removed frequently?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
You can recharge the battery that has been discharged to any level. A good rule is you should recharge the battery to 80% and not discharge it below 20% for longevity. That school also tells you to store batteries at 50% of the charge when not used for a longer time.

The school I'm following teaches the batteries are to be used because the life is too short to really bother and it is better to concentrate on riding. So it is right to use the full capacity of the battery, that is, 100% at the ride start and not less than 5% at the ride end. No adverse effect except perhaps faster battery degradation.

You can remove and reinsert the battery as often as you like. I own two Specialized 604 Wh batteries and swap them on each long ride. Batteries are there to be used.

Hope that helps.