New Breezer e-bike model line?


Well-Known Member
Arlington, Virginia
The US website for Breezer bikes is showing a new line of e-bike models including:

Powertrip, Bosch Active Plus
Greenway, Shimano Steps
Powerwolf, Bosch Performance Cruise

When Performance Bicycles in the US was sold prior to the pandemic, the Breezer Brand was bought by overseas investors with US operations run by BikeCo LLC in Philadelphia, who also distribute in the US the brands Tuesday Cycles, SE, Kestrel, and Fuji bikes, out of distribution warehouses in Philly and South Jersey. The bikes are made in Taiwan. During the pandemic Breezer in the US continued to sell their pedal bikes, particularly the Radar and Downtown bicycles, while their international operations continued to sell ebikes as well.

As of August 2022 they are not yet in stock at Breezer US dealers. when these models will become available presumably they will be sold and serviced through BikeCo’s existing retailers who are mostly independent bike shops.
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