NCM Battery won't turn on unless "jump started"


New Member

I have a NCM Prague with about 400km on it. When the bike has not been used for a period of time the control panel on the bike will not turn on the battery/bike. The battery capacity button also doesn't turn on the battery/bike or show the battery capacity. I've never timed specifically but I know it has happened when turned off for a few hours. If I plug in the charger into the battery with power, the control panel on the bike will turn on the battery instantly, I can disconnect the power and the bike works fine including turning on and off (with short gaps) until it's been turned off again for a while and then it needs another jump start. This happens whether the battery is fully charged or half charged.

The bike is still under warranty but thought I might see if I'm doing something wrong or whether anybody here has had this happen and I can guide the reseller on the appropriate fix.
The BMS in many batteries have a "sleep" function which turns off the power after a period of disuse. Charging the battery "wakes" it. It usually takes several days or even weeks for it to actuate though. If this happens after only a few hours, you could have a BMS problem and should contact NCM.
The BMS in many batteries have a "sleep" function which turns off the power after a period of disuse. Charging the battery "wakes" it. It usually takes several days or even weeks for it to actuate though. If this happens after only a few hours, you could have a BMS problem and should contact NCM.
Thanks for the response, I did wonder whether it might be BMS related. I'll get in touch the supplier.
I’d be very concerned, a BMS is also a safety device. Contact the seller as suggested. In the meantime do not charge unnatended!