My 2022 Vado 5.0 is running GREAT!


Well-Known Member
I just hit 3,000 miles since I got my Vado 5.0 on June 4th this year and it is running like a Swiss watch!
147 mile Wahoo Ride.png
Guru, there is the option "Correct distance" with Strava:

In case you are not happy with the Strava corrected distance either, you will be offered to "Revert distance".

I have never had such a wrong distance reported by Wahoo*. The wrong Max Speed is more a rule than an exception. I think it is either:
  • A Strava bug, or
  • Some glitch in data caused by meaningless "Motor Error" message sometimes issued by the Turbo e-bike.
I have never had issues of this kind with my Vado 5.0. Wrong Max Speed is typical for my Vado SL/Wahoo but it only occurs when the e-bike is ridden in the derestricted mode.
*) Interestingly, any post-ride Wahoo report is correct on the device (Distance, Avg Speed, Max Speed). It is Strava that makes the data wrong.