

Active Member
Hi guys I never thought how hard it is to pick a lock for my ridge rider. I have seen so many videos on how easily they can be broken into that it scares me. I think the best lock for me is one that's easy to carry and big enough to lock around a street pole with an alarm built in. But even these can be broken into. Such a painful decision or I may be over thinking on which lock to get.
I got two Abus Bordo 5700. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to carry two on a bike. You can daisy chain two (or more) Bordos to have a super long 120 cm length (to wrap around anything, like a tree or lamp post, etc), or use them as separate locks.

If you want more strength, they also have the Abus Bordo 6000 and higher (but more expensive).

I got two Abus Bordo 5700. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to carry two on a bike. You can daisy chain two (or more) Bordos to have a super long 120 cm length (to wrap around anything, like a tree or lamp post, etc), or use them as separate locks.

If you want more strength, they also have the Abus Bordo 6000 and higher (but more expensive).

Where can you order that
Don't know anything about the "Foldylock" brand. I would stick with the original ABUS BORDO brand name. They are better known and more reputable, I believe.
What I don't understand is why don't people use alarmed locks on there bikes. Even if you use a cable one if someone tries to cut it the alarm goes off very loud. Is there something I'm missing about alarmed locks ?
ive been reading some reviews and will probably end up with a chain lock ... something like below ... downside is they are heavy ...

OnGuard Mastiff Chain and Disc Lock

anybody here with some experiance with these ?

rgds. B
Bike locks slow thieves. Even the best bike lock isn't going to be theft-proof. Best you can do is get a substantial lock (or two) and make your bike look like a pain to steal. Or at least more of a pain than the bike next to yours. =) If you live in a high crime area, two locks are the way to go. If you live in a high crime area and have to leave your bike outside and unattended for long periods of time, then theft insurance may be a route worth considering.
What I don't understand is why don't people use alarmed locks on there bikes. Even if you use a cable one if someone tries to cut it the alarm goes off very loud. Is there something I'm missing about alarmed locks ?

I think I've seen some kickstarter promos for something similar. Can't remember if it was an alarm or would somehow alert your smartphone if someone is messing with the lock or bike. But yes, definitely for locking outside your own house or apartment some type of alarm lock would be cool.
Yes I agree 100%. I think an alarmed lock would be best. Even the toughest chains , u locks , etc can be cut with a battery operated grinder in less then 30 seconds. So what's so great about them then ? At least even a cable lock that's alarmed when tampered with , or cut will set off the alarm which should scare the thief. The other locks don't make sound when cut
What I don't understand is why don't people use alarmed locks on there bikes. Even if you use a cable one if someone tries to cut it the alarm goes off very loud. Is there something I'm missing about alarmed locks ?
I use the Abus Bardo Granite X Plus 6500, along with a cable to run through the 2nd Wheel.



As for an alarm, I guess it couldn't hurt. I suspect people don't go to the trouble because when an alarm is sounded, most just ignore it. People just don't seem to care anymore.

Yes I agree also. People tend to look the other way but this has to stop some time. Some of our bikes are worth more then some of the cars on the road
One thing I found that does give me peace of mind. When I do ride into the nearest city, when possible I lock my bike up at a municipal building that has very noticeable cameras, that are monitored by the sheriff's department. Court house, city hall, sheriff's dept. There's always uniforms around and they all have bike racks with security cameras. I realize this isn't always possible, but something to keep in mind.
One thing I found that does give me peace of mind. When I do ride into the nearest city, when possible I lock my bike up at a municipal building that has very noticeable cameras, that are monitored by the sheriff's department. Court house, city hall, sheriff's dept. There's always uniforms around and they all have bike racks with security cameras. I realize this isn't always possible, but something to keep in mind.
Sounds like a good strategy. I think there are some popular YouTube videos of a guy who steals his own bike in NYC. Goes so far as to use an electric saw in plain daylight and no one stops him or asks questions. Inclusive of cops passing by. I think there was one video in the series where a female NYPD officer finally stopped him. But not everywhere is NYC so in most places your strategy is probably sound.
Sounds like a good strategy. I think there are some popular YouTube videos of a guy who steals his own bike in NYC. Goes so far as to use an electric saw in plain daylight and no one stops him or asks questions. Inclusive of cops passing by. I think there was one video in the series where a female NYPD officer finally stopped him. But not everywhere is NYC so in most places your strategy is probably sound.
Yes there is and it's scary people don't care
Yes I agree 100%. I think an alarmed lock would be best. Even the toughest chains , u locks , etc can be cut with a battery operated grinder in less then 30 seconds. So what's so great about them then ? At least even a cable lock that's alarmed when tampered with , or cut will set off the alarm which should scare the thief. The other locks don't make sound when cut

I think an alarmed lock may be a good supplement to a high quality lock. But a high quality U-Lock, Bordo or strong Chain lock will keep people with bolt cutters occupied for a while. Worst case scenario, if someone has one of those battery operated grinders, I doubt they'd care about the sounds of an alarm if they're willing to endure the sounds of a grinder cutting through metal. Not exactly a quiet operation.
I've begun using the On-guard Brute LS on my Radrover. It's wide enough to fit through chain-stay, wheel, then bike stand. Also use their cable lock to secure front wheel and seat. If I still lived in real bike theft capitals like Berkeley or Amsterdam I'd get the mastiff. I've learned to lock a bike in as safe a location as possible and not have it locked out at night for long. For piece of mind I lock it in my backyard, also. Bike alarm sounds like a useful idea. Especially in places where people might still take notice. Perhaps after the honeymoon of enjoying the new bike look wears off I'll get out some different colored spray paints and give it a colorful tie dyed look that is less appealing for thieves. This strategy generally worked in Amsterdam.