Locks for Turbo Vado 4 SL EQ


Well-Known Member
Which lock do you recommend for the Vado SL EQ? Most of the D-locks seem to be too small to gone through the frame, rear wheel and attach to a bike rack or whatever.
I really liked the Abus Bordo combo for my Como 4.0 and will be transferring to the Vado SL 4.0 when it comes in.

is there a lock that weights less then the bike itself? 😂
Use the Hiplok. Very fashionable.
We've just purchased Turbo Vado SL EQ 5.0 bikes and are researching lock options. I think we will use a U lock, but are considering ordering 2 ABUS Pro Tectic 4960 frame locks with chains in addition for use during short grocery store visits, etc. How easy are these to attach?


I suspect you may not be able to mount the frame locks. That doesn’t mean you may be able to use use them as though they were u locks.
I’m going to discuss with the LBS when we pick them up. We won’t be riding anywhere that we will leave them during COVID so there is time. Thanks for the response.
Unfortunatley locks only deter honest people especially now that cheap battery angle grinders are available.
Probably there aren't many honest people stealing bikes. Certainly angle grinders pose issues but the combination of a stout U lock, a frame mounted lock and a chain would pose a challenge when in a public area.
I just got a Vado SL EQ 4.0 and now look for a frame lock ( in addition to my folding lock). Which lock can you recommend (high security, easy to install) ? Thanks for you help.
U lock with cable(s) is the way to go. A challenge is one that’s truly sturdy enough weighs as much as the bike 😀.

Depending upon where you would be locking up, you may want more than one cable. The good thing is that nether lack of quick releases makes stealing wheels of seats less appetizing. Of course a nearly $4k bike has its own attraction.