Litespeed Obed conversion-front disc?


New Member
After much research and several test rides, I went in a completely different direction and will put the Bionx 500 on my old trusty mountain bike frame. It's a 1997 frame and doesn't have disc brake braze ons in the rear, but I'm thinking about putting a disc on the front. Have any of you Bionx people set your bike up with only the one disc in front and v-brakes in back?

I have two steep (15-20% hills to get up/down from our house) and would like a little better stopping power than the v-brakes. Advice or suggestions welcome.

J - The rim on the D500 doesn't have a surface made for v-brakes. You might want to go with the S350DX instead or you could have the wheel re-built with a machined sidewall rim.

You could also consider modifying your frame to accept Disc brakes. I would consult with a very qualified frame builder before considering this, but this below link could be helpful. It's a different model, but same concept.
Thanks for your response, Chris. Of course, I didn't read it before I made the purchase and started down this path.

Hmmm... the shop that built it up didn't think the v brakes were an issue with that rim, so I'm a bit concerned. Just picked it up last night and hope to play on it this weekend. Good suggestion about getting the rim re-built if necessary.
Thanks for your response, Chris. Of course, I didn't read it before I made the purchase and started down this path.

Hmmm... the shop that built it up didn't think the v brakes were an issue with that rim, so I'm a bit concerned. Just picked it up last night and hope to play on it this weekend. Good suggestion about getting the rim re-built if necessary.

Easier to do with the D500 than earlier BionX wheels. Make sure you get a nuggety rim like a Mavic 719