Lectric XP controller issues ?

What level of grades are you failing controller XP owners tackling and how much weight are you takin up the hill?
Almost every ride I do includes at least one steep hill and when my controller burned out I was on holidays riding 4-6 hours a day on almost continuous steep hills (and I weigh 180lbs)

I am on my 2nd Controller for my Lectric XP bike (9 month ownership, 5 month actual use ... 400 miles). I am not an extreme user, the bike simply shows a E-009 code and the engine stops (happened both times when I was riding uphill and the controller never recovered. I am waiting for my next controller in the mail from Lectric folks) --

Anyone else seeing issues with these controllers ? (Brushless Moter Controller Model: X031-AB001B)


Do you live in a really warm/hot area? and did it happen on a hot day?

I am on my 2nd controller. My first controller went out when I was riding for like 3-4 hours going up steep hills on a very hot humid day. Someone on this forum made a good point about the positioning of the controller where it is not able to cool down in its location on very hot days. When I ride for like 3-4 hours now on much cooler days I have no issues. Also when I go up a really steep hill I notice no difference in PAS 5 or PAS 4 as when I am in PAS 3 so I keep it in PAS 3 or even PAS 2 to keep the controller from burning out.
I got the same problem and my second controller just died. Fortunately, Lectric is very responsive and will send me another one. They are aware of the controller problem and are "working on improving the controller in the future," but for now just suggest to stay on PAS 2 when going up steep hills, zig zagging slowly up the hill. However, a dying controller when going up steep hills is a deal breaker for an electric bike and not using the bike's performance but crawling up the hill is not a solution. Hopefully they'll come up with a better controller that can handle steep hills soon.
I meant to post this to you mriege not Nima

Do you live in a really warm/hot area? and did it happen on a hot day?

I am on my 2nd controller. My first controller went out when I was riding for like 3-4 hours going up steep hills on a very hot humid day. Someone on this forum made a good point about the positioning of the controller where it is not able to cool down in its location on very hot days. When I ride for like 3-4 hours now on much cooler days I have no issues. Also when I go up a really steep hill I notice no difference in PAS 5 or PAS 4 as when I am in PAS 3 so I keep it in PAS 3 or even PAS 2 to keep the controller from burning out. I hope Lectric can make a much better controller for us to use and the ones we have out.
When my controller died it was during the late summer, it was not hot but just nice t-shirt weather.
I too have experienced motor controller failure. Only had 6 miles on the XP and was riding up a steep trail when everything went dead. (I weigh 195 lbs.)
I got error code 8 throttle error and then later it changed to error code 7 motor breakdown. Customer service had me check every connection on the bike and then all the connections to the motor controller. Never found anything that was not connected. They sent me out a new controller and that fixed the problem. I am no expert but after reading everything I can on this subject i have come to the conclusion that if you are using full throttle and/or PAS and your speed is slowing down, then heat is being generated enough to cause a failure. I always ride with the screen set to the amps, and monitor it...when I see the full 20 amps I start either peddling harder or back off the power. Still not sure how long to let it remain at 20 amps. The trail I went up to burn it up was less then 30 seconds. I know plenty of people do this and dont experience the problem...but some do.
Not sure why mine did not just shut down to protect its self-- since I have had that happen also. Here is the video Lectric sent me on how to change a motor controller on an XP.
Ok guys I put in a new controller and that fixed everything. So I opened up my old one and see that it was wet. But I have never ridden it in the rain. Do you guys think it’ll still work when it gets dried out?
Ok guys I put in a new controller and that fixed everything. So I opened up my old one and see that it was wet. But I have never ridden it in the rain. Do you guys think it’ll still work when it gets dried out?

Weird + Interesting.

Put it in some rice, maybe....but Id say its fried, worth a try though.
been waiting for my 2 controllers for about 6 weeks now.. anyone know what controller number or any other vendor?
Just curious if the controller issues are happening with XPs whose owners have modified them to go from 20 to 28? I am hesitant to monkey with the settings at this point and have been perfectly happy going 20 mph...
There was a group of 2.0 bikes that all had controller issues and it has nothng to do with the settings. Some are just bad from the factory in China and most are the newer bikes. My guess is QC issues in China.
I had finally received mine.. something like 8 weeks or more... little disappointed in the time but I did finally get it.. First one (original bike not the new style) lasted about 500 miles.. Most of that was dragging a cart and myself in some very warm weather. Summers in Las Vegas can get warm.