Known Issues & Problems with Canyon Products + Help, Solutions, & Fixes

No Ebike is perfect. This is a thread dedicated to sharing known issues or problems with electric bikes from Canyon as well as any help and solutions. Sometimes that means a DIY fix and other times it can mean a recall, software update, or part replacement by a dealer.

Please be respectful and constructive with feedback, this is not a space for hate speech. In many cases, representatives from the company will see feedback and use it to improve their product. In the end, the goal is to enjoy riding and help each other go further and be safer.
Replacing a part on your Canyon e-Bike is challenging in this enviroment. I've been waiting for around 4 months now for a front fork on my Grail-On. Canyon was apologetic and promised to get one for me for FREE. In the meantime, I've purchased another eBike to use - lol...
Canyon uses a strange tapered front fork size for their Grail-On bikes: One and 1/8" to one and 1/4". Most tapered forks are 1 1/8" to 1 1/2". Impossible to find a replacement fork for this bike outside of Canyon.
The top stem screw on the Grail-On is very very easy to strip. I had to order a replacement screw w/bolt and top plate for $19.99 plus shipping and tax. Why can't the bike have similar screw/hex sizes for ease of maintenance?