Thx for the replies. i will have 3 batteries for the Rad I would like 2 chargers at least, of course 1 came with the bike. the 2 additional batteries I hope are arriving today. They are rad branded from eBay hopefully and expected legit. If the Lectric chargers I already have are acceptable then I won’t purchase anything, if I need to buy any additional I want to go to 3 amp or as high as possible. Rad (LBS where purchased) say purchase Rad charger . If I have to get a Rad charger so be it, no problem, not outrageous anyway but only 2 amp . I am not concerned about battery life . Safety is an issue as well as speed as I probably will be charging while on break when riding and as everyone know there is never enough time when riding

the Rad charger is larger and heavier than the 2 different slightly different from each other Lectric chargers which are interchangeable per Lectric so I consider them the same . They have only 2 connections to the battery, center and outer same as most laptop connectors so I don’t believe there is any communication with the BMS just energy to charge. All are a rated 54.6 v .
I don’t know if there are differences in chargers in general , I thought the rest of the intelligence was in the battery only unless there are additional contacts on the battery connector . I had these on Bosch, Stromer, and Specialized.
the chargers referenced by Gion above mention 13s 48v , does 13s matter if the nominal voltage is still 48 v, when charging at 54.6? I don’t know either Lectrics or Rad configs are.