Juiced CrossCurrent Air - For sale

Selling a Juiced CrossCurrent Air bike with the following specs and upgrades:
-500 watts
-L (19.0”) for 5’8” and up
-8.8 Ah standard range (~40 miles). I was consistently riding back and forth to work (~18 miles) with over half a charge left.
-Schwalbe Marathon Plus tires (+$99)
-Planet Bike Versarack Disc rack (+$36)

I bought the bike last August and rode it between August 2017 and October 2017. Since then, I’ve ridden it minimally after I moved. It’s been well maintained and has been stored indoors at all times. Unfortunately, my new commute isn’t conducive to riding an electric bike to work so I’m considering maybe getting a foldable and riding rail instead.
$950 DC/MD/VA area (local pickup only, please).