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Bought a FT-1900 from a Company that can remain anonymous. I had a few little issues with the motor controller. The settings on the controller that came on the trike were different than the instructions showed. But a quick trip to You Tube and I got that figured out.

At first I thought it to be a little "wobbly" a bit unstable but the more I rode around on it the more comfortable and confident I became riding it. Right there on the porch where this picture was taken, I went to make a tight left hand "U-Turn" ya know kind of spin it around no big deal have done it several times since I got the trike and have become fairly accustomed to the handling characteristics of the trike. You learn which way to lean in a turn to keep from tipping the Trike. I must say, it's not like riding any other mode of transportation I've ever ridden. It has taken some getting use to to be able to ride it with any sort of confidence. I "CRASHED" it right about there where its sitting just day before yesterday. I told you I was all the way into making a complete "U" turn. My right finger happened to catch the throttle and that was just enough to throw me off balance I toppled to the right the trike kinda on top of me!
The worst part is I've had so many surgeries to date I really can't afford to crash like that too often. I just turned 64, have been diagnosed with what my Neurosurgeon is called "Browns Sequard Syndrome". He says to me after a 3 level vertebrae fusion. Two years ago I had my entire left hip replaced. It didn't really bother me too much because the "BSS" affects my left side. The entire left side is dead, numb, tingley, peripheral neuropathy and such. The crash hurt not only have I been sore but it was sort of embarrassing as well. Oh well I'd get back up on that horse but the SOB has a a flat front tire now too so NOW I've gotta fix the flat before I can ride it again, Damn-It!
Oh well it'll be the first time I've fixed a flat on a FAT TIRE Trike!
At least I've got something to look forward to I guess. Fix a flat, then get back up on that horse and ride like the wind!

I just wonder how many people out there have this trike or one similar to it. They call it the FT-1900 and so far it seems to be a pretty well made trike. Of course it only has 98 miles on it so far so I haven't ridden it too awful much. I've only charged the battery twice. But so far, I like it. I've seen some other Fat Tire electric Quads I wish I could have afforded but with the prices I saw on those
Welcome to the site.
The 3 wheel bikes of that configuration are notorious for tipping over in turns. The schwinn grocery getter 3 wheeler can't be pedaled over about 5 mph due to the sprocket ratios, and that seems to be about the safe limit IMHO. For more stability there are 3 wheelers with 2 front wheels that tilt as they steer. see under the cargo bike category under bikes by type. Court reviewed one. I'm happy with 2 wheels, even at age 70 my reaction time hasn't deteriorated. My hands do go numb if I ride more than 30 minutes.
Sorry about your accident. I've spilled off my bike over the handlebars numerous times but I only broke something once, my chin against the pavement at 25 mph. Now i wear a helmet with a chin guard, a fox rampage. Had the bike up to 40 today downhill on a new route, the helmet had better save my chin if the wheel slips at that speed.
Welcome to the site.
The 3 wheel bikes of that configuration are notorious for tipping over in turns. The schwinn grocery getter 3 wheeler can't be pedaled over about 5 mph due to the sprocket ratios, and that seems to be about the safe limit IMHO. For more stability there are 3 wheelers with 2 front wheels that tilt as they steer. see under the cargo bike category under bikes by type. Court reviewed one. I'm happy with 2 wheels, even at age 70 my reaction time hasn't deteriorated. My hands do go numb if I ride more than 30 minutes.
Sorry about your accident. I've spilled off my bike over the handlebars numerous times but I only broke something once, my chin against the pavement at 25 mph. Now i wear a helmet with a chin guard, a fox rampage. Had the bike up to 40 today downhill on a new route, the helmet had better save my chin if the wheel slips at that speed.
My wife had a Sun Trike pedal version. It whooped her good on a ride. I would get stuck occasionally pushing her back home. She was gonna try a Pedego trike but she's short and it wasn't set up for her height. She has a Honda Silverwing scooter converted to a trike via MotorTrike. Both of us are well versed in trike handling. Take your time and don't be in a hurry. Trikes are actually kinda fun once you get comfortable with the quirky handling! For motorcycles its equal to a side car rig, something that took me awhile to come to grips with. And welcome to the site!
Thats part of the reason i bought this trike. Because of the medical issues i have. The BSS also affects my balance thats why i opted for the trike. I knew it would be easy to tip so i kind of expected it to happen just not rite here on my front porch. Its really a pretty unstable
I love my trike, it's almost as good for my legs as swimming would be and I can just jump on it and take a ride any time I want + I don't have to worry about keeping a dog gone pool clean and keep the water Ph just right. I'd much rather have the trike for the exercise I need for my legs. I can't just sit here day after day because it hurts me so badly to walk any distance.
With the electric trike I can just take off an when I get tired or winded use its hub motor to get me back home.
I live in a small East texas town about 100 miles east of Dallas. There are NO bike shops in our area. I'd ether have to go to Houston or Dallas to even find a bike shop that sells and services e-bikes or e-trikes. Good thing I know my way around a tool box and how to work on mechanical devices......after I bought this trike I kept looking at e-bike websites and came across Utah E-bike place and the have this 4 wheel recumbent style 4wheeler with 4 wheel independent suspension, fat tires, 90 speed sprockets and a disc brake on each wheel. The only thing that STOPPED me dead in my tracks was the price tags. They were bothe custom builds, one of them they waid was $9,350 the other one rolled out the door for $10,200! Really nice looking bikes and a nicely written article. My trike cost around $2,500 with a couple of options "delivered" Obviously there was SAR (some assembly required) to make it ready to ride. But that was no biggie, I like it and just about everyone that sees me riding it ask about it. It seems like Bikes or Trikes are really big right now....I know I'm happy with mine so far. Oh yeah did I mention I got a flat front tire today so until I can pull the wheel the trike is "down"! bummer it won't sit long I can promise that.....It'll be fixed by 10 AM Monday morning!
Thats part of the reason i bought this trike. Because of the medical issues i have. The BSS also affects my balance thats why i opted for the trike. I knew it would be easy to tip so i kind of expected it to happen just not rite here on my front porch. Its really a pretty unstable