How much torque is enough?


Active Member
When choosing my new bike I had many options of motor systems to chose from. I finally settled on the Bosch active line plus. I’ve had the bike now for two weeks and they put on 200 miles. I live in Chicago which is pretty flat. We do have a lot of bridges though. They are not as high as some of the streets in Seattle or San Francisco but they are quite steep. I tested out a bike with the performance line motor system. It was quite powerful but it made a lot of noise. This new Active line plus motor from Bosch is really quiet and pushes me off those bridges quite easily.
When choosing my new bike I had many options of motor systems to chose from. I finally settled on the Bosch active line plus. I’ve had the bike now for two weeks and they put on 200 miles. I live in Chicago which is pretty flat. We do have a lot of bridges though. They are not as high as some of the streets in Seattle or San Francisco but they are quite steep. I tested out a bike with the performance line motor system. It was quite powerful but it made a lot of noise. This new Active line plus motor from Bosch is really quiet and pushes me off those bridges quite easily.

There is no easy answer.
The number of car owners are significantly more than ebike owners.
Civic and Acura both does the job of ferrying people from A to B.
Some people choose Civic, some choose Acura.
Having said that, Bosch active line plus may not suitable for heavy riders, or MTB crowd or commuters who want make use of the class 3 provision.
The too "much power" depends on your ebike type. If you have mid-drive bike the rule is the higher power - the better. But in case of motor wheels, I would say that if you have a rear motor, more than 1000W could be overkill and lead to unexpected consequences, because bike would try to get off you. In case of front wheel i have experience with 500W and this power is enough to be first among cars on the traffic lights up to 30km\h.