Thanks again JR,
Luckily I also read the exactly info on the battery maintenance on some YouTube video from ebike review (as a subscriber) long ago and do the exact same with my electric mobility scooter. I did not know about the site/link you gave me. That is a wonderful place for me to learn. Sadly, I will never be able to do anything beyond possibly chain lube given my disabilities. If I were married to anyone other than my amazing wife, NOBODY would even ever dream of buying me ANY kind of bike when I can't even stand up on my own. But we both grew up together Surfing together and she knows just how determined I am. Being a 4 times wounded USMC Combat Veteran, now with 6 new spine fusions and even a Mastectomy (yep, guys need em too sometimes), as well as having a massive grapefruit sized tumor removed from my spine that paralyzed me....well, SHE just knew that if anyone could come back to like with a very fast bicycle, it was me. She saw how selling off my surfboards and bicycles destroyed what was left of my spirit but with no chance of ever using them again, seeing them everyday didn't do any good either. It did help to pay off some medical bill by selling however.
There is something, about climbing onto this bike and getting onto a city bike trail (paved but bumpy in places) that runs almost from my front door to the Oceanside Harbor and beach, cranking out about 10 miles at 20 MPH on a nice bike that REALLY clears the head, makes all the disability simply vanish. Nobody SEES that you are crippled on this bike. All disabilities vanish. Along with all the emotional stress and worry, depression, brings this tiny moment back to your spirit & soul where you become whole again. This bike is no longer about how much it cost. It has become about how PRICELESS it is for this old blown up Veteran, and the beautiful wife who somehow had the wisdom & insight into how to "bring me home" and rediscover that I was NOT really dead yet like I had begun to think. Beautiful woman. Beautiful bike. A beautiful life. All brought back to me by a simple ride that changed EVERYTHING. I feel like the luckiest guy alive in some ways.
Now, since I simply can not do any common maintenance myself and we knew in advance that ebikes do require more, I will call the Carlsbad Pedego dealer and BEG him for mercy

. He has been wonderful as we shopped his store the past months trying in vain to afford one (then two) and clearly understood my physical plight. He also educated us (whether I liked it or NOT!) about why HE thought bikes with 12 gauge spokes were insane etc. He even showed us 5 or 6 bikes in his shop (you guessed it- Curries!) with the blown spokes. He was willing to convert our new Electra Townies to ebikes but ONLY after showing us how & why it was a bad plan with all the other components simply not built to honestly survive well with all the new weight, torque loads etc. He really IS a pioneer in eikes in our area and I am sure he will "understand" why I couldn't pass up the price on this bike. But every ride I get in my wheelchair with a helmet light (SUPER bright) and touch & feel for spoke damage he has me SO scared to death they are gonna all blow out. Heaven help me with flat tires. I carry a credit card to call a tow truck when that happens.
At least it sounds to me that the motor will stand up to 1 10 mile ride at 18-20 MPH? I am sure I will slow it down to 15 MPH to save battery range once the excitement phase is over too. It's just that I am like a 6 year old with my first new bike.