Hi there

Seems like many find the extra confidence in their final decision based on where they purchase the bike, hopefully close to their place of residence, and the feeling they will get the support they need after the sale to help keep it up and running. As with any machine there may be issues along the way but having good service on hand is desirable.

Say Hi to Asterix and Getafix for me.
Seems like many find the extra confidence in their final decision based on where they purchase the bike, hopefully close to their place of residence, and the feeling they will get the support they need after the sale to help keep it up and running. As with any machine there may be issues along the way but having good service on hand is desirable.

Say Hi to Asterix and Getafix for me.
JRA, thanks for all your comments in the forum but I’m trying to figure out your user meme. What is it? Looks like something hanging from a couple chains.
JRA, thanks for all your comments in the forum but I’m trying to figure out your user meme. What is it? Looks like something hanging from a couple chains.

I took @JRA ’s avatar photo to be some kind of sea creature sculpture hanging from 2 chains... a whale-like creature spouting water (at the left), but with a strange, huge fin growing out of its back...!
I took @JRA ’s avatar photo to be some kind of sea creature sculpture hanging from 2 chains... a whale-like creature spouting water (at the left), but with a strange, huge fin growing out of its back...!
He said it’s a sculpture of a killer whale.