Hi 👋 ... new member from Australia


Hi there,

New member here, long time lurker in the forums ... there's been some very interesting conversations, great photographs and epic rides posted in multiple places, that made me want to be able to participate, so "thank you" is the first thing I wanted to say.

I have a very sedentary job (software engineer), though I have been cycling on and off (always "acoustic" bikes) for a number of years, when I was in Sydney, for my commute, then when we moved to the country just for the fun of it and now, by the 🌊also for fun. I got myself a road bike around 10+ years ago, to add up to my hardtail and my commuter bike. And, recently placed an order for a R&M Mountain (can't wait for it to arrive, it's hard to avoid checking my email every hour to see if there's any news from the not-so-local-bike-shop). My rides have been increasing in distance (longest ~ 45km) and also enjoying the local trails.

I am planning a trip down to Tasmania, to the world famous Blue Derby trails for 5 days with a few friends in 3 or so months from now (COVID restrictions permitting). The local bike shops there have either the Specialized Turbo Levo SL or the Trek Rail 7 for hire and I am debating which one I should book. I'll have a chance to compare once I get my R&M as it has the same motor as the Trek, however I have no idea what the Levo SL "feels" like and I am worried that my middle age legs might not be up to the challenge? On the other hand, I am not completely unfit and I've been riding on my acoustic hardtail for a long time so it cannot be worse than that 😃. Since I live in a small town, there are no shops that rent either models here... At the moment, I am inclined to get the Levo SL just to get a chance at something different ...

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself.
Hi Matt, it's good to have you here! Cannot wait until you get your R&M!

Regarding your question: The simplest would be to ask for a short demo ride for both Levo SL and Trek Rail when you are in Tasmania. It might turn out you'd actually like the SL. Or, you might find out it wouldn't give you as much of assistance or range as you would need to. There is one sure thing: You'd be delighted with your R&M when it eventually arrives!

P.S. In case you have to pre-book the e-bike, go for Trek. Less chance for disappointment. You would certainly miss no power or range. Levo SL owners describe the e-MTB as a very natural thing to ride but neither the torque or range are impressive unless you are really fit.
Hi Matt, it's good to have you here! Cannot wait until you get your R&M!

Regarding your question: The simplest would be to ask for a short demo ride for both Levo SL and Trek Rail when you are in Tasmania. It might turn out you'd actually like the SL. Or, you might find out it wouldn't give you as much of assistance or range as you would need to. There is one sure thing: You'd be delighted with your R&M when it eventually arrives!
Thank you Stefan!

For sure! I can barely contain my excitement.

As for the Tasmanian adventure, it would be great if I could decide when I get there, as you suggest. The main problem is that since it's a small town and they get lots of people heading down, the bookings need to be made a long time in advance, and you loose all your booking if you want to cancel within 15 days of it 😳... Hopefully, my local Trek or Specialized shops will receive some between now and the time I need to make the booking and I can go and test ride it ... but given the current "bikes are sold-out everywhere" world situation, I am not holding too much hope.

Update: just saw your "P.S." ... that's a great suggestion, thank you.
You see, Matt, I own three "full power" Euro e-bikes, one of them certified for 45 km/h. I'm approaching 60 and despite of great distances I have been able to cover on my e-bikes, one thing is sure: I need a lot of pedalling assistance.

I have a chance to rent a Vado SL for a day and still hesitate about doing that. Will I be able to ride it? How far could I go? And you're talking about 5-day trail ride with your friends. Trek. The same motor as your future R&M. Gaining experience; learning by mistakes.

When do you expect the delivery of your e-MTB SUV? :)
I have a chance to rent a Vado SL for a day and still hesitate about doing that. Will I be able to ride it? How far could I go? And you're talking about 5-day trail ride with your friends. Trek. The same motor as your future R&M. Gaining experience; learning by mistakes.

When do you expect the delivery of your e-MTB SUV? :)
Not soon enoughâ„¢ :) "in theory" the ship with the container should have docked in Sydney already ... but, as you know, these are challenging times and "who knows" is the most accurate answer. Hopefully in the next few weeks.