hey from Port Coquitlam


New Member
Somehow, despite being a long time viewer of the EBR on UTube, I never made the trip over to the forum. Clearly that was an error.

Court's EBR videos were an educational gold mine for me, taking me from utter cluelessness to beginner. Enough so that I felt confident to buy my first electric trike, just last Tuesday. Its been something like 35 years since I've been on a bicycle and to say I embarrassed myself while testing the trike at the dealership would be underselling my performance. Balance isn't my superpower, and combined with velocity, well, it was all I could do to manage a straight line. But I eventually got the hang of it and have been having an utter blast ever since.

The new ride is a Huzou Thunder trike, seven speed Shimano gears, five levels assist and throttle, 500w 48v, 150lb/330k capacity. It's an easy ride without assist on flat roads despite being fairly heavy, I find I don't need the assist most of the time when riding around my neighborhood.

I settled on this bike in part because the price was good - $1,800 Canadian - but also because the bike is purpose built, heavy duty, comes with fenders, hardwired front and rear lights, it has the Shimano gears and disc brakes. The rear basket is sturdy and holds a lot, which is awesome because I do love to garden. This thing will have no problems handling bales of soil. The front basket I'm not so sure about, but I've noticed that car divers are nicer when it's on the bike.

The service from the bike shop was excellent. They were patient, encouraging and informative. I like that their service menu is posted on their website with prices and that they provide pick up and delivery for servicing and repairs.

The down side is there is no manual and I'm still trying to understand all the symbols on the display screen. But given the price I'm sure I'll cope.

Thanks for having me! Cheers, Storm


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