Hey everyone!


New Member
My name is Jeremiah, I am from St.Petersburg Florida. I ride my bike to and from work, (about 15 miles total) each day. I am almost 40 year's old and started developing hip problem's. I do not like car's so I started searching for a better bike. Then I decided to take a e-bike for a ride! I fell in love. So I did some research etc. I do not have a lot of money, I pay my bill's and take care of my mom and brother. So I ended up getting a FLX trail! I fell in love with this bike. It handled very well, gave a smooth FAST ride, the pedal assist was excellent! I really had no problem's with the bike except for having to fix the back light as the wire had broken during some how before I got it. No big deal. 5 minute fix. I am in a couple of e-bike group's on facebook etc so I learn as I go. The hardest lesson I had to learn, lock your bike up!!! See I park my bike inside the back dock of my job, big tall wall's and locked gate's. But I learned quickly, wall's gate's and lock's do not always protect our bike's!

I will be getting another bike some time in the future. Right now I am just saving as much as I can. With the help of a couple of awesome group's on facebook my dream of getting another bike is becoming a reality. I also live right by the Pinellas trail and love to visit our beautiful park's and beaches. With a manual bike this is not a option as my hip give's out. Hoping to learn a lot and talk to some more great people. If anyone live's in the St.Petersburg florida area and ride's around here let me know! Soon enough I will have another bike and be hitting the road again. My sister set up a go fund me since e-bike's are rather expensive and I only had the last one for a very short time before it was taken from me. A lot of great people have donated and have been helping me save quicker. I am not sure if I can post the link here in these forum's but if I can let me know!

Thank's for giving me a place to learn more about these amazing bike's! I really do hope to meet more amazing people to learn and share knowledge with!
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Hey Kurt thank's for the welcome!

Jeremiah-Welcome to the forum. You are in a great place with a wealth of information here. Sorry to hear about you losing your ebike. Sometimes your renters or homeowners policy has a recovery value connected to your personal belongings. Not sure if you had coverage when this happened or not. Well now you can shop smart and perhaps take advantage of some of the spring sales that are going on right now.
Good Luck and happy shopping.
Yes I am reading a lot and keeping my eye's open. It will be some time before I have enough fund's for another. But it will happen one day. Thanks for the welcome Bob!
Not once did I "beg". The go fund me was started by my sister with the help of some others. There are plenty of people that know the story and have donated. I have the police report number for you if you do not believe. Have a good day MisterM

Whoa boys and girls, take it slow here. I think Mister M (me included) has not seen a post like this on this forum from a new member asking for a donation of this sort causing a bit of skepticism. Sounds to me that this is true, however, you have to understand that if someone is asking for something like this, it could cause a bit of doubt up front. Good Luck with your campaign. Just my 2 cents...