Here is a Nifty Item

Dave Rocks

Well-Known Member
This is a good idea if you don't have a USB port on your Bike.


Wait, I don't get instead of having to remember to charge your device, you need to remember to charge this bar extender?
No you can plug battery devices into the power bike bar extender.

Why do you have to remember to charge a device?

If its low at home charge it.

If you need device power on a ride. You can charge on your bike.
I'm waiting on delivery
but when I get the power bike bar
I will have convenient way to recharge my headlights.

How about posting a site link, if you would please,
I need something to power my GPS,
instead of pulling off my batts.
You're adding another battery-powered device to charge your other battery-powered devices on your bike. What happens when the bar extender runs out of battery? Get another device to charge that?
You can get a lot more utility if you are willing to have a bag on the handlebars (or the frame and use a USB extension). At that point you can use any power bank and they will have quite a lot more capacity if you are willing to buy one that gives it to you. Or less. I use two power banks to keep my front and rear dashcam internal batteries topped up, as well as one set of my headlights powered. Its more convenient to hook two power banks up to a USB charger once a week than it is to manage four separate devices.

You're adding another battery-powered device to charge your other battery-powered devices on your bike. What happens when the bar extender runs out of battery? Get another device to charge that?
Holy s*it man what's the big deal?
when the bar extender gets to 25%
You turn a couple of clamp screws pull out the bar, charge it at home and put it back in the clamps.

Also with a Dual Micro USB Splitter Charge Cable, I can charge both headlights at the same time.

Besides being a location prone to damage, weather, distraction, and added weight hindering steering response, I don't want to ride a geeky rolling science project.
I ride the bike to escape technology as much as possible.
I think that battery booster power bank for the handlebars is a neat idea but I got one from New Wave Toys that looks like a Sony Walkman. Since cassette tapes have made a hipster comeback the kids think I'm a cool daddy-o.
I can see it being useful as a handlebar extender but the batteries in the powerbank look small. Without seeing the specs, I doubt they would have enough energy to power a GPS or recharge a headlight. It would be good for lower power devices like a smartphone or earbuds though.
it’s listed as 4,000 mah - so maybe it’s two lower powered 18650s? not sure what those generic looking cells are.

a decent little boost for a bike computer or cell phone, not too significant compared to a light.