
New Member

I have a Gio Falcon, brand new from dealer only 2 months old, this model ;


Has ben running great until yesterday, was out at a restaurant, battery was fully charged when I left
to go to restaurant, was only in place for 40 mins, when I came back out bike would not turn on.
No power, no horn, no lights, panel display did not power on

Ended up having to physically walk bike home, did not have pedals on bike at time.

On the way home, a couple of times there were hills, when I went down a hill, I could see the LED panel display with the
spedometer etc, LED battery charge visual display, signal light indicator, erratically light up - flashing on and off
but when at bottom of hill would all go dark again

When I got home tried to charge battery up, but it was close to full so it didnt charge long - tried turning it on again
and still nothing

Read manual trouble shooting section for things to try ;

opened bike seat and looked at fuse box, switch was turned to off position, I tried to turn it to the on position
and bike emitted a loud alarm sound, beeping, and then it switched it self back to the off position, fuse box will
not stay in the on position

called the dealer and they had no meaningful answers, they are a long ways away so its a real challenge for me to have to
port it back to them

any ideas as to why this is happening and how to fix?
OK it isn't an e-bike but a scooter...BTW the link to the URL doesn't work.

It sounds like a short and that's the breaker that is protecting the electrical system. Be careful when you are trouble shooting a DC device and especially a high amperage 10 to 15 amps. Its more deadly than your household plugs and so be careful. Since its a panelled scooter, you may have to remove panels to inspect all the cabling and that's where I would start.

But, I looked up the scooter and noticed it has a centre stand. So if there a cut-off switch that maybe stuck that may not allow the bike to turn on. Look under the scooter and see if there is a centre stand switch. See if it's stuck.

Also check the battery leads. Make sure they are clean and tight. If loose and being a negative ground maybe the positive lead is touching the bike's frame...this could explain it. Clean the leads and tighten. I have had this problem with my gas scooter loosing all power because the battery leads were corroded and loose.

These are my suggestions.
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