I mentioned the idea of inspiring WW staff by things posted on the walls and read other(s) posts about that idea too. But, I definitely do not think of the visual influence being limited to staff and visitors to your facility only. As a matter of fact I believe well done visuals could be used to good effect in a lot of electronic communication. You may remember that I suggested pictures that capture the emotion that a WW bike brings to an owners life.
Tony Robbins, a peak performance coach, opines that we value more than anything someone or something that can change our state. We pay huge sums in western society to people who can advance an oval ball covered in pigskin one hundred yards down the field for instance. Then, as grown men, it is okay to jump up and down and holler - to show our emotions. We pay an actor who can make us cry or laugh at the drop of a hat far more than someone else who excels at their profession.
So while pictures might at first involve all WW bikes, at some point you have enough pictures of black Hydras. Some are just naturally selected out. And at some point you have enough new and unique pictures of WW bikes so that even though a picture is great in and of itself, it's just another picture of a bike.
But the pictures that I think could be most useful in the long run are the ones that have something just a bit more. Picture that take you somewhere. Pictures that give you a certain desirable feeling. It's these that could be used to good effect to help the viewer notice there is something there which they want...and if I had a WW bike I think I would get it.