
A man in my town, Michael lives on beautiful D Street, Petaluma CA. He is vision impaired and has a heavy delta trike that he does not like. It is an Admotor which has a 750 Bafang front hub and weighs a lot. He does love the concept of your bike. Maybe with lightweight air-forks instead of the heavy proxy pogo-forks. How well does the independent steering work? This is a fun place to ride all year long with no snow, rolling hills, redwoods, citrus, palms, and fragrant magnolias! These photos are of D St. where he lives. Take D west to Tamales Bay in Marshal to eat fresh oysters, much like Cape Cod, or the Vineyard, then head up to the rugged coast and back from Dillon Beach. Coastal winds keep things cool each afternoon all Summer. Perfect for longer rides.

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Well it not AI post, this bike has a BBSHD motor 1000 watts, , This bike is made for hunting. I bought it for me because I have stability problems, I had spinal core injuries that left me paralyzed for a few years . After years of physical therapy. I was able to walk again. But I have minimum feelings from neck down, witch I having problems keeping the bike upright. When I not moving. The bike stands on it own. I just got this bike in December of 2023 , I ride it in the snow in New Hampshire on roads and trails. This spring and summer I was planning to do off trails going into the woods . To explore nature. I have not had much time to run the bike off road to see how it handles off road and trails. Now it warmer out I plan to go deep in the woods.
Nope... This latest text convinces me even more this is all AI . As a comprehensive paragraph, the content is all over the place. Makes no sense.

The opening words....." Well it not AI post, this bike has BBSHD motor 1000 watts." What do the motor specs have to do
with claiming the post is not AI ?

You wrote ......" I have minimum feelings from the neck down, witch I having problems keeping the bike upright"..Followed by your very
last line ....." Now it warmer out I plan to go deep in the woods "........ On a very technical 'e-motorcycle' with minimal feelings from
the neck down and problems keeping the 'bike' upright ?? Hmmm , I don't think so.

What do others think ??