
Welcome Knight Rider! Have you already gotten an e-bike? I’m quite new here myself but I’m impressed with the knowledgeable and helpful members here.
Hello Mtl_Biker! Last year I purchased a MotoTec Electric Trike. Having lots of fun with it...but, recently I discovered the front wheel was flat. I have
some time on my hands, so I have been attempting to fix it. I'm hoping that someone in our forum might be able to point out where I can get
a picture/diagram of: 1) front wheel assembly when reinstalling, and 2) a suggestion where I can get an Owner's Manual. HAGD.
I’m not familiar with that make/model... is this the one you have? Motel Electric Trike

I’ve learned the hard way over the years, when taking something new apart for the first time to photograph every step along the way. Otherwise invariably I end up with an extra piece or two or just can’t put it back together.

Hopefully someone here would be able to help you. Have you tried posting your question in the general (not intro) section?

Good luck!
Hello Mtl_Biker! Last year I purchased a MotoTec Electric Trike. Having lots of fun with it...but, recently I discovered the front wheel was flat. I have
some time on my hands, so I have been attempting to fix it. I'm hoping that someone in our forum might be able to point out where I can get
a picture/diagram of: 1) front wheel assembly when reinstalling, and 2) a suggestion where I can get an Owner's Manual. HAGD.
I don't know which model you own, but there are many MotoTec manuals here:

Thanks JR! Unfortunately, mine is one of the models that doesn't list an Owner's Manual...MT-TRK-350. But I really appreciate that you took the time to respond. I'm hoping there might be a diagram or picture out there. HAGD.

Just curious... you sign your posts "HAGD". Is that your name or does it mean something?