Hello to everyone from up here in Washington State

Welcome. This is hard to diagnose with 'Quit Working'. Does the display turn on? Does the battery have a charge?
So the went crazy replaced after it just showed ERR with no code..As I was going through Settings in display when I got to P9 non zero start a zero start on one of them it accelerates thus only stopping when brake applied but as soon as brake released goes bat crazy..that is only time hub engages as I can't get it to work on pedal assist e
What happens when you disconnect the apparently faulty throttle?
Just replaced display again and now p9 is fine with settings at 0,but P10 which is drive mode set 0:power drive 1:electric drive 2:power drive+electric drive setting only works on power drive,the other two settings accelerate to max speed stop when braked and then continue when release brake...I'm so lost
Do not ride a bike that runs away in an uncontrolled fashion.
I see on the brands forum, Hurley is not a brand covered by electricbikereview.com/forums. https://forums.electricbikereview.com/categories/discussion-by-brand-user-reviews.168/
In future when you buy a bike, I suggest you ensure it is one that has a low count of "known problems and solutions".
One low price brand I respect has been covered since 2017 and has only 1 response on the known problems thread. Blix.
For hub motors I buy controllers without display but with throttle on ebay. All of them have worked. I have not found any that have PAS sensor input. Some rotate backwards, some require changing wire order for the hall effect sensors to not hum & lock up. One 500 w one would not run a 1000 w motor more than 3 seconds. Several have required a "door switch" input, which IMHO acts like an ignition switch on a gas vehicle. I connect the door switch input through a toggle switch to the the alarm power output, which is hot anytime the battery is connected.
My initial conversion kit came from ebikeling.com of Detroitland. The controller for that one lasted 4.5 years and 9000 miles. Controller lost the ability to sense the PAS sensor. The motor of that kit wore out the gears in ~4500 miles. I was able to ride it home unpowered without drag.
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So I got it to run in power drive but not electric drive or power drive +electric drive.....maybe throttle as it does the crazy acceleration until brake apply then bananas again once brake released..
It sounds like wires are crossed and crimped between the controller and the throttle. Do not ride it.