We ordered our bike from REI after seeing one on the floor there. The store near us ( Knoxville) does not stock them. One good reason to buy from REI is the 10% dividend "rebate" that can be used for purchases OR receive a check for the amount, during a certain time period the next year.... In our case, $250!
A shop in Maryville, is now carrying the Electra and the Trek line of electric bikes. They also have electric bikes for rent, or tryout, for anyone in the East Tennessee area looking to try out.
My wife likes the crank forward position, she can get some leg extension, but still feel secure, as her feet are still close to the ground.
We are just recreational riders. We recently took our bikes to Hilton Head, which is a real bike friendly area.My plan to just ride my regular bike and ride with my wife, her being on her electric bike, was one of the worst ideas I ve ever had! That's why I m now looking at the Electra Commute go 8i for me.