Hello from Barcelona


New Member
Hi from Barcelona
My name is Angel (strange name for english people) and I have and Orbe Gain.
I tried to attach a photo from my bike
My bike. My Orbea Gain


  • IMG_4608[12673] - copia.jpg
    IMG_4608[12673] - copia.jpg
    46.5 KB · Views: 171
Saludos Angel. What is the e-bike market like there particularly now after the pandemic hit Spain so hard? ? I've been admiring the Desiknios for a couple of years now. Have you ever seen one around those parts? I think they might be made in Barcelona?

Saludos Angel. What is the e-bike market like there particularly now after the pandemic hit Spain so hard? ? I've been admiring the Desiknios for a couple of years now. Have you ever seen one around those parts? I think they might be made in Barcelona?

It is an strange situation in Spain because when the lockdown was finished (not total yet) people started to make sport and a lot of people has bought bike (normal and ebike) I can say that there are a lot of kind of bike that we can't find in the shops. For example Orbea has had problems, first the suppliers in China closed and later the factory in Spain had to close 2 weeks. In Spain, in general, people like a lot ride bike and now people are more crazy for the bikes. The market is going up.
I didn't see any Desiknios (i think) because in Barcelona you can see a lot of kind of ebikes. Barcelona is a good place for ebikes because there are to parts: the mountain and the see. Go from mountain (its not mountain people see mountain) east to west (beach o see) is so easy because you go down however from west ot east is a more complicate (no a lot). The best is go from north to south o viceversa
It is an strange situation in Spain because when the lockdown was finished (not total yet) people started to make sport and a lot of people has bought bike (normal and ebike) I can say that there are a lot of kind of bike that we can't find in the shops. For example Orbea has had problems, first the suppliers in China closed and later the factory in Spain had to close 2 weeks. In Spain, in general, people like a lot ride bike and now people are more crazy for the bikes. The market is going up.
I didn't see any Desiknios (i think) because in Barcelona you can see a lot of kind of ebikes. Barcelona is a good place for ebikes because there are to parts: the mountain and the see. Go from mountain (its not mountain people see mountain) east to west (beach o see) is so easy because you go down however from west ot east is a more complicate (no a lot). The best is go from north to south o viceversa
If you want to move inside to Barcelona you can take these ebike https://www.bicing.barcelona/es