Hello from Alaska


Hi from Alaska. I ordered a M2S all terrain 750. website says I should get it by early July. I'll admit I have some anxiety. Big purchase to pretty much accept that it's a leap of faith and that I could be on my own if I have problems. I have read a lot of mixed reviews whether M2S is responsive or not to warranty issues. Anyway! I am pretty excited. I started this journey off by looking at a 2x2 Rokon, then a dual sport motorcycle then I guess because of my searching, a ad for the M2S E bike pops up on my Facebook. In my younger years I really enjoyed mountain biking, really the only reason I quit was because my nice bike got stolen and I couldn't replace it because you know, rent and all.. any way I believe this thing will get me back to exercising, exploring areas I normally would not because of motor restrictions and just in general being a good excuse for getting out on a daily basis since all I have to do is leave from my driveway on it vs loading it on a trailer and driving an hour to a legal area. Fishing has kind of sucked lately so I'm looking for new hobbies.
Hello and Welcome
I had to wait a few days to get my bike delivered and it was agony. I hope the time goes quickly for you.