Helios to Atom to Crosstour and I’m loving it!

Back from vacation and I finally had the chance to take the bike for a quick spin. It is a beast and while I still need to reprogram it to dial it down, I have been able to get the hang of controlling the power better. I’m expecting this to be a low maintenance, low trouble commuter once I’m finally able to get back into the office. Fun rides to the beach will have to do for now. Here are some iPhone snaps from tonight’s ride (forum upload killed the resolution, even after I reduced it…sorry for the crap quality):

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If that's 'crap' quality .... my efforts are outright embarrassing! 👍 👍 👍
Thanks, much appreciated. I do a lot of car photography (@911maniac on IG) but taking bike photos is new to me :)

I agree with the previous comment on cable clutter but I don’t notice it as much in person as in the photos. I think the look of the bike is very utilitarian..:more beast than beauty. I tied to buy a few prettier bikes but I’m glad I ended up where I did. It feels super solid and I expect it to hold up well over the years.

it is also crazy fast. I hit 35 in eco 4 and decided that is too fast for me on a bike but it could clearly have gone faster. I’ll tune it down and don’t see myself going faster than 25 to 28 mph often. The three speed hub is simple and more than enough given the power. I just hope it holds up and I always remember to be in the right gear…the motor could shred it otherwise.
Thanks, much appreciated. I do a lot of car photography (@911maniac on IG) but taking bike photos is new to me :)

I agree with the previous comment on cable clutter but I don’t notice it as much in person as in the photos. I think the look of the bike is very utilitarian..:more beast than beauty. I tied to buy a few prettier bikes but I’m glad I ended up where I did. It feels super solid and I expect it to hold up well over the years.

it is also crazy fast. I hit 35 in eco 4 and decided that is too fast for me on a bike but it could clearly have gone faster. I’ll tune it down and don’t see myself going faster than 25 to 28 mph often. The three speed hub is simple and more than enough given the power. I just hope it holds up and I always remember to be in the right gear…the motor could shred it otherwise.
Now thats a sweet bike! I have no idea how guys could run an Ultra at 2300watts lol, at the stock 1000watts i sometimes feel like im hanging on for dear life!
What are most riders with a Hydra or titanium UC setting their power levels at?
I'm thinking 1000W in eco and the full 2300W in sport would be a good combo.

Most of the time my cruising speed is around 20mph on my Cannondale e-gravel bike. At speeds over that the battery depletes itself at an alarming rate.