Grinding noise whilst rotating peddles


United Kingdom
Whilst replacing the chain on my Vado 4 today I noticed that when I rotate the pedals backwards there is a slight grating/grinding noise and it feels rough. It doesn’t happened on my wife’s (newer) Vado 4.
Anyone else experienced this or know what it might be?
Took it to my LBS today and they didn’t like the sound of it…they think it’s a warranty claim for a new motor!😱😱😱
no idea how long that will take but I feel like I’ve lost my right arm☹️☹️☹️
Wow. I am sorry to hear that. Did they give you any indication of what the cause might be? If there is anything we can do to prevent it, it would be good to know.

I hope they can get you a new motor quickly.
There is some on my Bosch Gen 3, but it is just the gears moving. But if it is really bad, it might be a bearing failure in progress. Usually that is when both directions grind.
There is some on my Bosch Gen 3, but it is just the gears moving. But if it is really bad, it might be a bearing failure in progress. Usually that is when both directions grind.
Tried it with the chain off and it was ok in forward rotation. It did sound and feel like a bearing grinding though.
Wow. I am sorry to hear that. Did they give you any indication of what the cause might be? If there is anything we can do to prevent it, it would be good to know.

I hope they can get you a new motor quickly.
They are not sure, I’m going in tomorrow to see if they know any more.
I am lost without my ebike…it has been my saviour during COVID and lockdowns…I've done 3k miles in a year, all for leisure purposes.
I have know idea how long it will take to get a new motor, but I’m going to ask for the bike back whilst waiting as it’s still usable at the moment.
ried it with the chain off and it was ok in forward rotation. It did sound and feel like a bearing grinding though.
Can someone enlighten me on the bearings. I know Bosch and similar midframe motors rely on a special bottom bracket to hold the motors in place (at least this is what I thought - feel free to correct me, because I'm still learning all this stuff). My question is why would the motor be the cause, if we could potentially put a new bottom bracket together? I know we have gearing inside the motors, but these should last awhile - like 10 years - right?

I might be thinking about this wrong and i'm not sure the dynamics between the motor and the bottom brackets /crankset
Went to the LBS today for an update and they are submitting a warranty claim and I’ve got the bike back meantime.
there was another issue with the bike which I thought was a noisy drivetrain, maybe down to wear. I did put a new chain on it however(continuing with my learning curve in bike mechanics😊) and it didn’t make any difference. It happens when you put substantial pressure on the pedals, like when starting to pedal or going uphill. When you are cruising noise is not noticeable. The gears change fine.
They also think this is related to the the motor.