Greetings from southern wv

Welcome Gohndd, nice to have you. That’s a nice bike and I’m sure that you’ll enjoy it. Many of us, because of ailments due to age, renders physical limitations. E-bikes assist us and allows us to do an activity that most have done and enjoyed as the youngsters. Good luck and most importantly, ride safe. Also send some photos of your bike and travels.
Welcome Gohndd, nice to have you. That’s a nice bike and I’m sure that you’ll enjoy it. Many of us, because of ailments due to age, renders physical limitations. E-bikes assist us and allows us to do an activity that most have done and enjoyed as the youngsters. Good luck and most importantly, ride safe. Also send some photos of your bike and travels.
Ditto! I am seriously"watt challenged" now my days of setting down on a fixie cruiser and pedaling by the other guys pushing their bikes are long gone.
West Virginia? You live in a beautiful, mostly vertical state, much like my area, SW NH, only steeper. We seem to have ordered ebikes for the same reason. Love your phrase "watt challenged". Fits me perfectly.
Happy riding!
Welcome to the site.
Where are you riding? Designated bike trails? City streets only? What county are you riding in?
I had relatives in Boone county, and frankly the narrow lanes, pushy coal trucks, and 4" dropoff at the berm would terrify me on a bicycle. Some relatives lived on US 119 now renamed state 17, and some lived on state 85. My first 5 years we lived on State 3. That practice the state had of adding more asphalt every other year made for incredibly tall dropoff at the edge. I'm afraid even to ride over to East Kentucky; pavement is no better outside of Louisville. I do miss the scenery, and watching the C&O. Frequent fog & drizzle wouln't help my visibility either.
I saw a sign for designated bike trail starting off of corridor G south of Charleston. Wonder how that went? I don't have a car to haul the bike over there to check it out.
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Welcome to the site.
Where are you riding? Designated bike trails? City streets only? What county are you riding in?
I had relatives in Boone county, and frankly the narrow lanes, pushy coal trucks, and 4" dropoff at the berm would terrify me on a bicycle. Some relatives lived on US 119 now renamed state 17, and some lived on state 85. My first 5 years we lived on State 3. That practice the state had of adding more asphalt every other year made for incredibly tall dropoff at the edge. I'm afraid even to ride over to East Kentucky; pavement is no better outside of Louisville. I do miss the scenery, and watching the C&O. Frequent fog & drizzle wouln't help my visibility either.
I saw a sign for designated bike trail starting off of corridor G south of Charleston. Wonder how that went? I don't have a car to haul the bike over there to check it out.
I live in Southern WV, close to VA border. Mostly farmland here. Not close to coal counties. Lots of logging trucks though, lol. Monroe county. I will be riding back roads and mt. trails. Dirt and pavement. I'm about 2 hours south of Charleston.
Ditto! I am seriously"watt challenged" now my days of setting down on a fixie cruiser and pedaling by the other guys pushing their bikes are long gone.
I have a 70 year old friend who still pedals by the other guys, on a regular mtn bike. He maintains and builds trails on the Virginia side. I couldn't keep up with him on an ebike, lol