gocycle owner from Chicago


Active Member
I bought a Gocycle because it was the only folding bike I could get into the trunk of my 2004 Ford Thunderbird 2 seater convertible sports car. I took it to Nashville when I visited my son. It was a blast to ride. It's really hilly in Nashville but the Gocylce handled all the hills with ease. It has great range for an ebike with such a small battery. It handled the 35 miles to downtown Nashville and back along the Greenway. I use it a lot, here in Chicago. I've had it for less than a year and put on almost 600 miles. It is a really fun bike to ride. I've had a few problems with it though. One problem is that even little pieces of glass will cause a flat. With easy remove wheels, though, they are easy to repaired. I have installed tack strips in the tires, that has eliminated my frequent flat problem. The other problem I had is with the quick release seat post plastic nob. I replaced it wit an hex screw because the nob would catch the plastic steadier and break it when I folded the bike. Since the battery is not removable, and it gets really cold here in Chicago, I must store the bike indoors for most of the winter. I leave the tires and seat in the garage. The rest of the bike is stored in the house. It is so small when folded, and so light without the wheels and seat that storing it indoors is no problem. I understand that the newest Gocycle has an easily removable battery.
Nice looking, very inventive bike. T-bird is a fun car too,


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