GM e-bike

Saw this on Fox last night and it got me thinking that if nothing else it will increase public awareness. Thrilled GM is doing this, but would rather see them make a more traditional looking one as well.
I'm honestly really skeptical.

Designing a nice bicycle isn't rocket science, but it isn't particularly easy either. Did GM outsource the engineering, did they hire actual experienced bicycle designers, or did some of their own staff just wing it?

The other big challenge is that GM's existing sales network isn't set up to sell or service bicycles and probably isn't interested in doing so. And there's been a long, ugly history that when GM has tried to go around their dealer network the dealers get ugly.
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They snap their fingers and create a new sales network. Large corporations are experts at commodification. They’re not so good with creativity, initiative, or agility though. I’m thinking the bulk goes to fleet sales—like Ford’s ebikes—to cities, national parks, and other large service providers. I can’t see them getting involved in onesy-twosy supply chains. I also can’t see them succeeding. Toyota, Lexus, Honda, VW, BMW, Porsche, and Ford all precede GM in the ebike crossover niche.

GM's dealer network has been a giant millstone around the company's neck for the last forty years. If they were so easily able to replace it or even go around it they would have done so long ago.

What I find interesting is that even with their electric cars the dealers really don't want to sell them. Mainly because they make much less money on them.
I suppose they could use their lobbyists in Washington to help with e-bike legislation.