Frey Owners in Australia


New Member
Are there any Frey HT1000 owners in Australia who maybe interested is sharing their experience importing one into Oz ?
Hi Mark,

I emailed Frey for pricing on an HT1000 in very early August. Cecelia from Frey replied two days ago, on Sunday, October 25th. I'd given up on them long ago, and took delivery of a Rize RX instead. 2 1/2 months for a reply to place an order is ridiculous. I voted with my wallet. Of course, I am in the U.S., so you experience might be different. The bikes look great, but I do not have that kind of patience.
For the past 6 months, I have been inquiring about purchasing a Frey Bike. Shipping costs supplied by Frey are $350. Au, into Australia. Problem is that I need an importation license. GETTING THE SAME requires statements about the bike that only the manufactures could supply. Example Frame. If the bike gets sent from China, then Customs can impound the same, and probably will. Frey appears not to know about the same. Checking their sales information showing countries where they sell their bike, almost nil to do with Australia. If anyone has succeeded in getting one imported into Australia I would love to know the "how to". My email is [email protected]. and would love to be in touch with an Australian biker with one. I