Founder refunds still unaccounted for

I have been dealing with Pushkar for over 2 years now and while I can say he has not returned all my texts or voice mails I still believe he he trying his best in the worst circumstances imaginable. Things are definitely getting better now that he has Gregg. I have received 2 awesome bikes and have 3 more on order. Watt Wagons produces something that in simply not available anyplace else for fair price.
If you want to by from a company with a dedicated customer service department and computerized inventory control please by a Levo or other comparable EMTB.
My sense is you ordered from Pushkar because you know very well his bikes allow a aging man to do things even a young man on a Levo can’t.
Life is full of trade offs. Please be patient and keep your expectations In line with realit.
May you all be riding soon.
Funny you should say that. Luna seems to be making a bike that is almost identical to it.

Originally, we thought that this was a company that did have its s*it together. That was meeting their deadlines and that did have an owner who was highly involved in keeping its customers updated on the process. Instead it made promises that it did not keep.

There was always a new deadline just a little bit longer. It all fell apart when Pushkar and his partner were not on the same page as to what they were selling. Founders thought their bikes would be in sometime in the next 30 days only to have the partner accidentally extend that time frame by months and even that has come and gone and there still isn’t a helios out. The last deadline was that it would refund the customers money in 120 days. That too has come and gone. Yet when someone complains about it they are drunk because you got 2 bikes from them.
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What is wrong with you? I shared my experience, and you shared yours. One does not have to negate the other. I'm sure you think you're being funny, but I do not drink.
I’m sorry I wasn’t more clear that was directed at Rome.
All, I’m sorry I should have posted a link to it in my reply. Rome must’ve taken it down after I posted mine. Please don’t take offense his post was his usual rambling that didn’t make a lot of sense.
@Acme, have you heard if the new frames (UC Pro & Cross Tour) have arrived at WW headquarters yet? I've texted Pushkar a couple of time over the last week and haven't received a reply.
All, I’m sorry I should have posted a link to it in my reply. Rome must’ve taken it down after I posted mine. Please don’t take offense his post was his usual rambling that didn’t make a lot of sense.
Yes, he is well known for his drive-by commenting. All good.
All, I just called Pushkar left a message and he called me right back. From what I understand he receiving parts again and is steadily working putting out between 5 and 10 bikes a week. I thanked him for taking my call told him to keep up the good work.
That doesn’t really say much, @Acme. Pushkar doesn’t owe you money. Me, on the other hand, he does and is still ignoring.
That doesn’t really say much, @Acme. Pushkar doesn’t owe you money. Me, on the other hand, he does and is still ignoring.
Please don’t take this as argumentative but Pushkar has $14,000 of my money. One of my bikes on order is going to be very special, TBH I don’t know if it will ever be built but I’m certainly going to wait and let him try. There is always a chance things will not go well but I feel that is the ”price of admission” if you want something special.
No, my apologies for making assumptions. If you still have faith in your dealings with Pushkar, more power to you. I, on the other hand, do not and simply would like my money back as he’s repeatedly promised.
Please don’t take this as argumentative but Pushkar has $14,000 of my money. One of my bikes on order is going to be very special, TBH I don’t know if it will ever be built but I’m certainly going to wait and let him try. There is always a chance things will not go well but I feel that is the ”price of admission” if you want something special.
I don't know who else here wanted something special - we wanted the bikes Pushkar claimed to be selling. Now people want refunds for their bikes that will never come, and they're being ignored. To use your analogy, the "price of admission" has been paid, but it turns out the doors remain locked, and they can't get refunds.
I don't know who else here wanted something special - we wanted the bikes Pushkar claimed to be selling. Now people want refunds for their bikes that will never come, and they're being ignored. To use your analogy, the "price of admission" has been paid, but it turns out the doors remain locked, and they can't get refunds.
I’m sorry but I think you’re missing the point. Is the bike you ordered available from another manufacturer? Everything Wattwagons makes with the exception of the Hydra black is special as it is not available from other manufacturers. Luna offers bikes built 100% in China and they add their LudI controller on the M 600 but that’s it that’s a Chinese bike. DNM parts and all. Currently there are some other manufacturers that have almost caught up with Pushkar but as far as offering the ultra with a good aftermarket controller to my knowledge he is still the only one and if you’ve ever written a stock ultra versus one with an innotrace, there is no comparison.
Technically, but how long would you have us wait? WW totally redesigned the bike we bought into. What we ordered is no longer something they have any concrete plan to build. The new version is a totally different bike (which doesn‘t exist yet either).
Acme. They can both be true and it still means ww is giving the founders the shaft. He isn’t building their bike and he is not refunding their money. To me, that is all the info I need to know. Everything else about the company doesn’t matter. You either build the product or return their money. That is how business in the USA works.