Founder refunds still unaccounted for

With all the frames and controllers Wattwagons received recently, he is probably busy finishing up orders like mine. I am looking forward to my new UC Pro, coming soon I hope.
Maybe, but they have held the founder’s money for 2 years, promised a refund within 120 days (you know any other business where you would accept a 4 month wait to get your money back for a product that was not delivered) and then refuse to provide regular updates after that 120 day window has come and gone? This is not alibaba.

In my opinion, this is one of the worst companies I have ever done business with. Many people paid in full for a bike that was supposed to be done in 2020. The whole thing fell apart and now people are trying to get their money. Like the promise of a bike, there was a promise of a refund. Worst case scenario was 120 days. So yes maybe he is too busy building your bike, but in my opinion he owes a bigger debt to those whose money he has used for the last 2 years to buy all of those controllers and parts that are going on your bike. Taking 5 minutes to post on the forum he had created to service this group would go a long ways to reassuring the “investors” who he owes money to. So instead these guys are left coming to the main board to air their grievances, hoping that the bad press will at least get an explanation as to what the delay is.
With all the frames and controllers Wattwagons received recently, he is probably busy finishing up orders like mine. I am looking forward to my new UC Pro, coming soon I hope.
Do you know for sure that Pushkar has received the frames?
I've texted him a couple of times over the last week asking if the frames were in. No reply.
When Pushkar doesn't reply to a question I've emailed or texted him the news is almost always not good.
Unfortunately, I can't speak any more highly, and I haven't had an experience as bad as yours - between the seemingly endless string of unexplained or barely explained delays, piss poor inventory management (even accounting for logistics issues), near silence through any communication channel, and doxxing me to another forum user, no bike is worth this amount of hassle and stress.

Things improved noticeably with Gregg coming on board, but I'll be (pleasantly) surprised if his addition delivers much more than an improvement to comms - shouting into the void for months to ask where my bike is to eventually be told "oopsie - we found yet another part missing" requires pretty deep changes to address. Instead, Pushkar has seemingly learned nothing, and turned his attention to the next product he's selling from renders with a promise of shipping about 45 days from now - given their track record, I'll be nothing short of astonished if they pull off what they're promising.
I have been dealing with Pushkar for over 2 years now and while I can say he has not returned all my texts or voice mails I still believe he he trying his best in the worst circumstances imaginable. Things are definitely getting better now that he has Gregg. I have received 2 awesome bikes and have 3 more on order. Watt Wagons produces something that in simply not available anyplace else for fair price.
If you want to by from a company with a dedicated customer service department and computerized inventory control please by a Levo or other comparable EMTB.
My sense is you ordered from Pushkar because you know very well his bikes allow a aging man to do things even a young man on a Levo can’t.
Life is full of trade offs. Please be patient and keep your expectations In line with realit.
May you all be riding soon.
The reality is Pushkar took the founders' money and has not and could not deliver our bikes. We have been patient for almost 2 years. We may be riding eventually, but they won't be Watt Wagons Helios bikes. Of course with him still keeping a big chunk of our money, some of us may not be riding anything at all any time soon.
Not worth 2 cents. Please stop posting while drinking.
What is wrong with you? I shared my experience, and you shared yours. One does not have to negate the other. I'm sure you think you're being funny, but I do not drink.
@Acme I nearly noted it wouldn't be long before you turned up, but figured I'd treat you with charitability and not call you out.

It's great you've had a good experience, but it's something many of us seem not to share. I would never have ordered had I known the experience I'd have.

You can dismiss others' experience all you like, but dismissing the simple fact that Pushkar still hasn't refunded people he owed bikes years ago as "not worth 2 cents" while trying to discredit those presenting those facts as being drunk reveals precisely how insane your relentless simping is.

You've shifted from being weirdly loyal to openly bad faith, seemingly unable to defend the company truthfully.

My sense is you ordered from Pushkar because you know very well his bikes allow a aging man to do things even a young man on a Levo can’t.

Nope, I ordered from Watt Wagons (and recommended it to others) because I believed in the company which (at the time) had a reputation for providing a top notch product, attention to detail, 5 star customer service, innovation, was actively engaged and well regarded in the forums, and had a very bright future.
Bafang. The perfect partner. <dripping sarcasm>

Based on the worst parts and support chain out there. I’m not defending Pushkar, but anyone that has dealt with Bafang for nearly a decade has a port folio of nightmares that have stifled resellers success. But what’s the alternative. <speeds away on his Bafang middrive>
More fun to look forward to, then? I hope you're wrong, @tomjasz, but I know some of the issues Bafang has created - though they seem to affect resellers the worst.