Fitting lights to Neo Cross


New Member
I've been trying to figure a way of connecting lights to the battery so that they can be switched from the LED console. I've been told by BH UK that my Neo Cross is not compatible for some reason but I thought I'd ask the question before I buy some cable free lights from Exposure.
Hope someone can help, if only to explain why it can't be done.
Probably has something to do with the voltage. All you may need is a DC/DC converter to convert your battery voltage to 12 vdc.

My bike didn't come with lights, but the CA had a lighting output wire which had 72 vdc battery voltage on it. I bought an eBike headlight on eBay that came with it's own converter.
Thanks biknut. I'll try that.

I tracked down the wiring harness for the lights on the BH site and there's a good illustrated guide to. Sorted I thought until I saw the foot note -

'The Neo Light Kit is only supported by frames containing the serial no. W1303F0001'. I'm sure you can guess the rest.

I was just curious as to why. It would have been good to control the lights from the LCD console.
I've connected lights, front and back to my Neo Cross, using the BH wiring harness which provides hook-ups front and back. I purchased the harness for $50. It wasn't the easiest job in the world, and I had to improvise a lot, but I got it done and am thrilled with the results.

Front Light:
Discontinued by Phillips, but the price point was excellent; ordered from Germany, and it arrived without any problem. I like the light very much.;navigation=1;product=40678;page=1;menu=1400,1410,1411;mid=0

Back Light and Harness through
Back Light:

Chris at Long Island Electric Bike was very helpful. Call and talk with him.

Also check this previous thread:
Thanks for the links Orlans. I'm waiting to hear back from BH via the supplier before I go ahead. I'll let you know what they say about the frame compatibility. I contacted Long Island EB and they said there shouldn't be a problem, so fingers crossed!
Thanks for the links Orlans. I'm waiting to hear back from BH via the supplier before I go ahead. I'll let you know what they say about the frame compatibility. I contacted Long Island EB and they said there shouldn't be a problem, so fingers crossed!
Yes. We install these all the time with no regard for the frame compatibility. I think you'll be fine. There are other step down converters out there for cheaper but the BH one is the way to go since it has all the connections. It makes the install much easier.