First time buyer but experienced biker

Sweden, the limit is 25km/h for electric assist bikes. But thats ok really I love to bike. I'm looking for assist in the hills and when its windy. When conditions are right I'll have strength left to maintain high speed downhills and on the straights.
So, today I bought a really expensive Haibike Urban. My intention is to ride it all year long even in snow, so I hope it will serve me well. On the first ride home today I had upwind but still managed to drive 10 min faster than this morning when I drove my 26" 15 year old mtb. It was really fun and I got the help I wanted in the hills and upwinds.

The battery is not mounted that well though. It fell off two times during my ride. Haibike mtb has an extra thingy for the battery but not the Urban. Well I contacted the store and in the meantime…duck tape :)
hehe.. can you post a pic of your new prize?

There are extra heavy duty tye wraps that could hold you onto the bike...Still the battery shouldn't be falling
Oh this so fun. I did a few adjustments and lowered the handlebar and also attached a couple bar ends. I have now a average speed of 29km/h, on my 20 km commute. And I'm not too exhausted when I'm arriving.