First Ride of the Season


I live in the North Woods of Ontario, Canada. Our normal high daily temperature for this time of year is 8C, today it went up to 20.

Fortunately I have many scarcely travelled rural roads and a number of rail-trails to choose from. Today's run was a 30k tour through forests, farm country and along a local river, which included rapids and falls.

Perfect weather, a great ride, fewer than a dozen vehicles, lots of birds, awesome Spring fragrances; I should have limited myself to butt is sore.
Today's run was a 30k tour through forests, farm country and along a local river, which included rapids and falls. Perfect weather, a great ride, fewer than a dozen vehicles, lots of birds, awesome Spring fragrances; I should have limited myself to 20k ... my butt is sore.
Hmm, maybe you ride the wrong saddle? 🚴‍♀️
Cool... (except for the sore butt part.) Consider bringing a camera and posting in the thread "Our Rides on Photos, Maps, Videos..." etc. Great way to see everyone's rides all over the world! It's not a competition, so it's fine whether you have a full-on video with music or just have a couple of stills and a few words to tell us about what you saw and what it was like.
I live in the North Woods of Ontario, Canada. Our normal high daily temperature for this time of year is 8C, today it went up to 20.

Fortunately I have many scarcely travelled rural roads and a number of rail-trails to choose from. Today's run was a 30k tour through forests, farm country and along a local river, which included rapids and falls.

Perfect weather, a great ride, fewer than a dozen vehicles, lots of birds, awesome Spring fragrances; I should have limited myself to butt is sore.
Its always hard to choose the right saddle but I find a good pair of padded shorts makes a big difference!
Its always hard to choose the right saddle but I find a good pair of padded shorts makes a big difference!
Yes. On a road bike :D I have found any moderate or relaxed riding position makes the chamois useless. It is because the pad is located in the front of the shorts, not at the backside :)

The answer is: Ride a lot. Your ass will harden.


Mine has hardened properly :)
Good advice, Stefan! On my longer rides I like to use some Vaseline which works well for me, especially if its like 7 or 8 hours in the saddle!
Vaseline? Not a bad idea, this should definitely protect your skin for a while. Deer tallow is even more effective for a longer ride. However, with the best of intentions, I can't come to terms with a hardened ass, I'm not a gorilla after all. 🦍