Fender / Rear rack options for Ripcurrent (non s).


New Member
I just purchased an XL RC non s which doesn't come with fenders or a rear rack. The fenders are out of stock on Juiced site. Anybody have a good suggestion for aftermarket ones?
Thanks MP>
Thanks for the info. I did go ahead and get the rack and fenders. Fenders are on a slow boat from china, so hopefully not too long of a wait. The bike and Rack come in tomorrow(hopefully). I want to check it out for a few days before making anymore mods. It has been over a decade since I have ridden. Besides a seat(most likely), I will look into an upgraded controller for more power. 20mph won't cut it on my Central Ohio country roads. Heck, at $800 I don't see a problem selling it if I find it isn't a good fit for me ;)
You have a 1000% Solid Plan - sounds like you will have a Exciting Weekend ! The RipCurrent Deal was a Smart Buy for sure. Use this Fall Season to Ride-Like-A-Bandit - that's reallyy the Fun-Of-It with your Juiced - Solid Build !
My plan was to take it with me while camping / Gold-panning / metal detecting. Too far of a walk most times from my truck to were the Gold is ;) I got the rack today, it looks quality and is lighter than I expected. The bike is scheduled via Fedex today, but it is getting late and the tracking doesn't show "out for delivery" :( Might be a Monday project. The fenders will probably take 2 or 3 weeks from china, so I will fabricate a rear fender out of a piece of veneer I have laying around. I saw a guy do it on youtube and it looked decent, just have to spray paint it black and use zip ties off the rack for the rear part. Actually Walmart had 3 or 4 rear racks that attach to the seat post for around $20, but I went with the $47 one on amazon.
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Finally got my bike and the rear rack works great. Waiting on the fenders still.

I bought the rear rack from Amazon (Disc brake one)and can confirm it fits perfectly
I had to turn 1 of the 2 brackets under the rack(by the seat) around see pic #2. I didn't use the spacers or the long bolts as it fit perfect without them. That left me 2 bolts short on the length adjustment side rail parts. I hack-sawed two bolts I had in my junk drawer. CAUTION: Don't strip the Bike's screw holes. It is just drilled aluminum


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