Even More Neo Carbon Love


Active Member
I finally did it!! I ordered a Neo Carbon. I should have it Thursday or Friday. I will keep you posted. Thanks to all that helped me decide. It was really a toss up between the Dash and the Carbon up until the last second. They are both awesome bikes. I just feel a bit better about having a bike that has been around a bit longer and can utilize swapable components from other Neo bikes. I also like that I will be able to get a larger battery shortly. Wish me luck. I'll post pictures and impressions next week.
Hey Vern, nice choice! I know you will love the bike. Post some pics, I can never get enough Neo Carbon photos.
I should get the bike this Friday. I am excited but at the same time I am starting to feel a bit of buyers remorse. What the heck did I just do? Maybe I should have gotten the Dash. Maybe I should have used that money to go to Hawaii????Oh well too late now. I think once I ride my Carbon I will fall in love with it all over again and I will feel better. I just hope that I can get many fun and trouble free miles on that bike!! ,I'll post pictures and ... this weekend or early next week.
You'll love it! You'll find more excuses to go outside and enjoy the outdoors and interact with a whole new crowd! Trust me, this gift you gave yourself will give you years of enjoyment.
Vern, you did good, never fear. I just came back from a 6 mile ride, temps in the 30's and I was smiling the whole way. Averaged between 16 and 21 mph in Eco mode the whole way, and felt great when I got home. One of the best, if not the best purchases I have made in a long, long time. Already had two neighbors stop by and ask me about it!
Thank you Dave and James. I needed a little encouragement so that I don't feel crazy for buying an ebike. I know that I will love it!!
Thank you Dave and James. I needed a little encouragement so that I don't feel crazy for buying an ebike. I know that I will love it!!

No worries Vern!!! Although i have the Dash……(LOVE IT!!) The Neo Car is an awesome bike!! Like James said you will find more excuses to go out side. I live in Vegas and it is 74 and has been that for a month and I have been riding my bike everywhere. Work, store, gym…everywhere!! I just got back from lunch with my wife (she has the izip metro) then hit the gym, then a doc apptment, few more errors and then home. Put 25 miles today and only used 2 bars…..when the 2nd bar disappeared my trip was 24.75 miles!!! Yeah thats about 12 miles a bar and average about 14-15 mph. I bet i could get 50+ on one charge…AWESOME!! Fastest i got it was 33mph.

I haven't owned or really been on a bike since i was 15. When i was young i would ride everywhere but since 16 and driving a car……..the hell with riding a bike! Now at 36 with my ebike - i get to enjoy the outdoors with out any hard work. Its like riding a bike Down Hill ALL THE TIME!!!! I know you made a great decision bcz you got urself an e bike….Dash or Neo Car…they are both gr8 bikes! You will be very happy with the Neo Car I'm sure!!! Get ready to live the highlife bcz your NEW E bike is going to change your life!!! Like Dave said - be ready to have a smile on ur face every time you ride that BAD boy!! Cant wait to hear.

Thanks Justin!!!
The Dash sounds great and I came VERY close to picking it!!! I am glad that you are enjoying it. It really is an exceptional bike. I live in SoCal and really have every opportunities to ride my Carbon to work, errands,... I am sure I will put it through its paces. Thanks for the support everyone! I'll keep you posted. Friday is the big day!!
Thanks Justin!!!
The Dash sounds great and I came VERY close to picking it!!! I am glad that you are enjoying it. It really is an exceptional bike. I live in SoCal and really have every opportunities to ride my Carbon to work, errands,... I am sure I will put it through its paces. Thanks for the support everyone! I'll keep you posted. Friday is the big day!!
Love running errands (oops not errors) these days!!! Enjoy your friday and weekend. I will be looking out for your next few post!!
Hey Vern, looks like you've been getting a lot of support and encouragement about the Carbon and I wanted to add my support as well. The extra research you did to find the right bike and the extra money you paid will definitely be worth it in the long run. The bike will last, it will be fun and the speed and efficiency it offers will definitely get you outside more often than a regular bike would.

Even if you completely change your mind or just stop riding for some reason, your bike will be easy to resell since it's a mainstream brand. I was able to offload my Neo Jumper in under a week when I moved. It was tricky because I didn't have a car so I needed to use it EVERY DAY until I left but the buyer was so excited about the bike because it was quality and still had the warranty. You did well and even if this is a "thing" versus an experience like Hawaii... it's actually something that will enable more experiences like James, Dave, Justin and Ravi have mentioned. It will also improve your health and mindset. Nothing like a little shot of adrenaline from cruising around on a bike ;)
Thank you so much Court and Ravi. I just really struggled between the Carbon, the Dash, and nothing at all. I love the idea of bike commuting, but I do love time with my family even more. I want an ebike for commuting, but if I can't make a big dent in the time it takes me to commute on my regular bike, then the purchase really isn't worth it. I REALLY liked the Dash. Mainly because that darn thing is fast!!! Sometimes I want to kick myself for not choosing the Dash. I say to myself, " Why did I pick a 36v 350 watt bike when I could have had a 48 volt 500 watt bike. For less money!!" I eventually chose the Carbon because I felt more comfortable buying an established bike, with interchangeable components, a proven track record, and many online resources about it. It also doesn't hurt that I live 5 minutes from the BH CA headquarters. I also got a great deal on the Carbon!! I am just hoping that the Carbon is fast enough to make it a practical and viable transportation option. I do realize though that there are other benefits to ebike commuting, even if it does take considerably longer than a car. The exercise alone is worth it for its health benefit and piece of mind. Also, I am far more likely to bike commute once I have an ebike. I can't thank everyone enough for the support. Most of my friends and family either have never heard of an ebike and/or think that I am crazy for getting one. I don't think I'm crazy or am I???
I'll be interested to hear your thoughts once you've had a chance to use the bike for a while. Even though the specs of the Carbon seem lower than the Dash it can hit similar top speeds, ~28mph with active pedaling, and offers the same or more torque because it uses a geared motor. I think it looks beautiful and really like the Easy Motion control unit which is easy to remove. You didn't make a bad choice at all, hang in there and try not to get too worked up ;)
Hey Vern,
Absolutely nothing to worry.
For the little extra you paid, you're getting 2 year warranty on battery (1 year on battery & bike on Dash) and 5 year warranty on rest of the bike (2 yr on motor for dash).
Also, anyone in cycling world appreciates that it comes with Shimano XT derailleur and weighs pretty light for a ebike. These are all just side things, actually.

If you use it day in, day out, you will be saving substantial amount of money and recoup the savings in a year or 2. Perhaps, you could buy a Dash by the end of this year, with the money saved :D
Weekends rides will be so much fun and you'll start finding excuses to use you bikes.
Vern, I hear you on the speed factor of the Dash and the 48/500 spec. I really struggled with that as well. I can tell you that the Carbon is plenty fast. I have never ridden the Dash, but the Neo Carbon gets off the line very quickly and accelerates up to speed in no time at all. In fact, my Carbon has so much power that I use Eco mode 90% of the time and standard mode occasionally, for really big hills. Boost mode is almost overkill, as the bike just takes off. I think the light weight of the bike and the torque of the motor combine to make the Carbon really fly.

I think you will be very happy with the speed of the Neo Carbon, specs aside. I think today is the BIG day, good luck!;)
OK, I love it. The build was easy and actually really fun to do! I just finished about a half an hour ago. I took a couple of rides around the block and it was great. I love the way the thing feels. Like a good quality regular bike!! Just with Superman helping me pedal. I can't wait to take it to work on Monday. One BIG problem though!! I can't seem to get the battery off. Is there some trick that I am missing??