Ebikes will get you just as fit as non-Ebikes.

Both these articles echo the sentiment and personal experience I've seen in the short 3 month period of time I've been e-biking.

Very informative and thanks for posting!
This is my experience as well. The simple fact that I ride more often, and longer distance are part of the reason. Plus the fact I can keep a steady cadence even in headwinds or hills are a factor as well.
I put around 1200 miles on my old commuter pedal bike in 2 years. I'm getting close to 6000 miles in the same two year time period on my ebike (5600 miles now and 6 weeks before I hit 2 yrs with my Radrover). I can ride my ebike all year in almost any weather conditions. I only leave the ebike at home if there is snow/ice or heavy rain storms on those days.

We get +20 mph winds with gust 25-35 mph in spring and it would take me up to an hour on my 6.5 mile ride home on my old pedal bike with that kind of headwind (add a +500 foot elevation gain also). I always do the same ride home in the same 25-35 minutes with or without wind on my ebike with traffic lights the only thing slowing me down.