Ebike Survey

I would like to take part in the survey, but when I open it, I see that "Sorry, this survey is not currently active." Is it still important to help you with research? If everything is completed, I would be happy to look at the results of the study. Research often takes a lot of time and effort, so you have to sacrifice something.
I also recently found a cool analysis of the Ebike industry at https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/e-bike-market and I recommend everyone to read it, there are many interesting facts and predictions. Also I recommend another resource, because I did some of the tasks with the help of https://graduateway.com/essay-examples/integrity/ where you can find sample essays on many topics and consult with qualified authors. Personally, it gave me the opportunity to focus more on the tasks that I saw the greatest potential.
Thanks in advance for the answer!
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I would like to take part in the survey, but when I open it, I see that "Sorry, this survey is not currently active." Is it still important to help you with research? If everything is completed, I would be happy to look at the results of the study.
Thanks in advance for the answer!
Don’t worry it was a spammer