E-trike Bike Rack?

I just ordered a recumbent eTrike from Utah Trikes (Sun Electrotad) and will be selling my brand new Trek Verve3+ that I adore. MS balance problems forced me to swallow my pride if I want to stay outside pedaling....(lousy tho!).

Anyway, any thoughts on somewhat affordable hitch-mounted racks (1.25") for transporting this beast when I receive it in a month? I've never had a recumbent nor trike, so new territory. I just sold my Thule T2 hitch rack, which worked great for my Verve and other bikes. This etrike does not fold.

Thanks for your insights and thoughts!

Keith Johnston
Keith, the folks at Utah Trikes will probably be able to give you excellent advice in this regard.
Also, Google is your friend. Not trying to be a smarty pants but you can click on THIS Link.

Here's one retailer Trike Racks that I just found, and here's a one trike option from there.
Here's another retailer from Stevens Point Wisconsin (no idea if that's close to you or not) and their options.

I don't really know the benefits of one design over another, but it appears that there are lots of options.
Seems like you can spend oodles of $$$ on a rack!
Keith, the folks at Utah Trikes will probably be able to give you excellent advice in this regard.
Also, Google is your friend. Not trying to be a smarty pants but you can click on THIS Link.

Here's one retailer Trike Racks that I just found, and here's a one trike option from there.
Here's another retailer from Stevens Point Wisconsin (no idea if that's close to you or not) and their options.

I don't really know the benefits of one design over another, but it appears that there are lots of options.
Seems like you can spend oodles of $$$ on a rack!
I had the same question. About to buy a big e-trike and thought I would need to buy a full trailer to haul it around. I have since found out that even motorcycles stick out a little from trucks/cars when mounted this way but this is much more economical. Thank you.