Keith Johnston
I just ordered a recumbent eTrike from Utah Trikes (Sun Electrotad) and will be selling my brand new Trek Verve3+ that I adore. MS balance problems forced me to swallow my pride if I want to stay outside pedaling....(lousy tho!).
Anyway, any thoughts on somewhat affordable hitch-mounted racks (1.25") for transporting this beast when I receive it in a month? I've never had a recumbent nor trike, so new territory. I just sold my Thule T2 hitch rack, which worked great for my Verve and other bikes. This etrike does not fold.
Thanks for your insights and thoughts!
Keith Johnston
Anyway, any thoughts on somewhat affordable hitch-mounted racks (1.25") for transporting this beast when I receive it in a month? I've never had a recumbent nor trike, so new territory. I just sold my Thule T2 hitch rack, which worked great for my Verve and other bikes. This etrike does not fold.
Thanks for your insights and thoughts!
Keith Johnston