Dreaded Pink Flashing Light


New Member
Planned Monday morning ride cut short with dreaded pink flashing light in my garage. My one week old M30 completed a marvelous 50 mile ride that prior Sunday with no issues. Ended the ride with about 24% battery remaining. I rode about 15 miles level 0, 25 miles level 1, balance level 2 due to strong head winds. A dream ride. I put the charger on my bike and charge it up to 100% in about 3 hours. I use a outlet timer to ensure no overcharge. I rode it a few miles late that afternoon and put it away at 97% battery state. So Monday I get the pink light and the error code 193, "cell over voltage." I download the pdf service document (attached) and shows steps to address. The first step is to deplete the battery state to 0%. Of course I can't do this as the bike will not turn "on" to green state. Step two would be to do a full charge and leave charger on an additional two hours. If that doesn't clear, try another charger, then of course a new battery after that.

I have reached out to my on line seller and Orbea USA. We have a Orbea dealer (who does not floor Orbea bikes, has only ordered and sold two in the last 2 years) who might eventually wind up handling this. Of course I am warrantied but have been told it's a 4 to 6 week process. Hoping to hear from some here who might have had a similar experience and can give me some guidance. Is there any way to do a reset or process to discharge the battery that I haven't considered?

Researched long and hard on this purchase. Test rode several bikes and as a active 71 year old lifelong cyclist decided this bike/motor/battery combination fit my needs. My first (and only) week on this bike confirmed my decision. Until Monday morning. Hoping for a happy ending, Happy I have 3 other road bikes that need some love and attention.

Thanks all!


  • #193-ebikemotion-X35-error.pdf
    555.9 KB · Views: 5,032
Prova a fare un giro con la bici .... nonostante la luce lampeggiante il motore dovrebbe supportare al livello 1. a me quando esce questo errore dopo un paio di pedalate
tutto ritorna a funzionare come prima
Thanks for the quick reply. I took a two mile ride yesterday, maybe I need to try a longer ride today. I'll give it a try. I was never able enter a level 1 mode as the light continued to flash pink. Maybe the longer ride is the key.
Mi dispiace... nel mio caso torna tutto a funzionare dopo un paio di pedalate... probabilmente il mio è un problema più lieve
I have Had similar issues from time to time. The reset process has fortunately worked for me.
After I switch on, I hold down the I-woc button for 30 seconds. This has cleared the issue for me in the past. Hope it helps but mine is a 2019 model.
Mi dispiace... nel mio caso torna tutto a funzionare dopo un paio di pedalate... probabilmente il mio è un problema più lieve
Agatrox, took your advice, rode 20 miles this morning with the pink lights flashing the whole time. I did notice that at the end, my 97% battery status dropped to 95%. No other progress so far. Still working on it. Thanks!
I have Had similar issues from time to time. The reset process has fortunately worked for me.
After I switch on, I hold down the I-woc button for 30 seconds. This has cleared the issue for me in the past. Hope it helps but mine is a 2019 model.
Was not aware of such a "reset" process. I tried it. After 15 seconds the bike turned off. Held it another 15 seconds, powered on, same error condition. Still trying different things, will advise outcome. Thanks TouchingCloth.
Was not aware of such a "reset" process. I tried it. After 15 seconds the bike turned off. Held it another 15 seconds, powered on, same error condition. Still trying different things, will advise outcome. Thanks TouchingCloth.
Try this link, it has reset procedure. It also mentions pairing the app to the bike and leaving it on until the battery is empty under battery recalibration
Try this link, it has reset procedure. It also mentions pairing the app to the bike and leaving it on until the battery is empty under battery recalibration
Thanks for the link... good information. Pressing the IWOC button for 20 seconds will turn off but not automatically restart my 2021 Gain. Good to know. Probably does some good regardless.
Update with good news... so far.

1. I took Agatrox advice and rode the bike this morning for 20 miles.
2. Tried the reset procedure from TouchingCloth.

Somewhere between the two suggestions my bike dropped to 95% and the pink flashing light stopped. It took some fiddling to get back to the IWOC button working so I could go to a setting to engage the motor. It worked. I was able to ride and engage the bike assist but only using the IWOC button. The Pulsarone bike computer went haywire and I was unable to sustain a pairing until just awhile ago. I rode the bike another 10 miles in setting 3 and dropped my battery % to 17. I am using the Mahle FAQ from TouchingCloth's link to pair the app with the bike to drain the remaining 17% to zero. Then I'll charge back to 100%.

I'll follow up in the following days to keep you posted on my progress. A big thank you to TouchingCloth and Agatrox for their response and help.

All sorted out, no more issues. The bike is performing brilliantly.
Great stuff. Glad it's back in business. I'm pretty sure the eagerness for us to get going sometimes causes the issues. The instructions that came with mine were pretty sketchy. The fact there appears to be secret button combos and the timing of presses can be critical, perhaps allows us to scramble the poor thing before we begin.
I have had absolutely nothing but fun on mine, purely because there are no longer any restrictions to where I ride.
I have noticed a drag when cresting the brow of a hill and switching to zero or assistance 1 on the descent. This may well be erradicated in new software and if it is, I'd be happy to take it to the nearest authorised service dealer for an update.
Occasional pink light has always been solved with the reset for me, but I'm under no illusions the electrics are the givers and takers of fun on these bikes.
this has saved my bike! - I recently purchased a Bianchi impulso e-All road and immediately without riding it came up with the purple light.
after returning it to the shop and getting a another one after a brief check to see the charging worked, it also came up with the purple light :-(
so I followed the suggestion above and got the battery level down to 94% and YES - iwoc button now working and app reports all good.
Your attachment in the original post explains it all really and the PDF actually contains links to videos. (the small smart phone icon) opens a video.

one question about the reset - press for 20second when it is on? or press it for 20 seconds when it is off? - tried both just to be sure :)
to solve this problem you have to update the battery, the seller has to ask ebikemotion cables and software, today update mine to solve the problem with pulsar one, everything has been perfect
so my purple - over charge till continues.
no dealer near me wants to take on the job - Bah!
so I find if I leave the bike on charge over night then I get the over charge , if I remember to disconnect after 3 hours its ok.
but to cure the over charge I out together a circuit of a few LEDs and a few resistors in series and connected them directly into the plug.
the resistor started smoking!! and the LEDs were alight - I disconnected and immediately the over charge was cured.
so I guess one fix is to connect a load like a light bulb to the bikes charging socket and use up some juice
Any updates on this issue?

I have a 3T Exploro Boost (x35) and I just got the #193 error.

Unfortunately, the closest dealer is 3 hours away from me.

Are these still the correct steps?

1. Discharge battery to 0% (any quick way to discharge?)
2. Update firmware (can I do this by purchasing the GCU cable myself?)

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Wanted to add on a comment, months later, in case anyone else like me was recently researching this issue. Had the same error, I remember leaving bike plugged in charging overnight, which I typically don’t do. Usually I plug in and check charge level every half hour or so and unplug around 80%. I have a 2019 Orbea gain with X35 motor, 3500 miles, have about 50 charge cycles (per the app). Majority of time I ride my regular road bike so the Orbea doesn’t get charged constantly.
After the overnight charge I didn’t ride the Orbea for a couple weeks, when I finally did I noticed the flashing pink. First time ever, although it wasn’t the first time I accidentally let it charge overnight.
App said the bike needed to be updated. I tried reset method and still had flashing pink, so took the bike out to ride and after less than 50 yards the flashing pink went away. Rode another 20 miles, everything was working normal throughout the ride (took it down to 68%). Turned it off, waited a while, turned it back on, everything still like normal.
Would still like to get it updated, maybe an update would prevent this from happening in the future.