Delite/Charger3 frame size doubts



I’m 192cm tall and weight 90kg.
what frame size would be best fit, the 53 or 56 version ?

i heard mixed opinions and really wonder what you guys recommend
The citrus cycle site quotes 1.8 to 1.9 (180 cm to 190 cm) for a 53 cm bike. I don't see a 56 version even in the 2021 model of the Charger 3 from their listings. Maybe just in Canada.

Do you have a LBS where you can test ride them? Thats the real test.
I see the Delete model (2021) has a 56 cm frame but not the Charger 3. It seems the 56 frame size is from 1.9 to 2.0 m rider height which seems to be ideal for someone your height. I still think you need to test ride one. Just be aware that the handle bars have some adjustment for your reach so you may still be able to adjust a 53 cm to your comfort level.
I like low step frame and charger 3 low step is max 53cm where the other one has 56 option

in shop they don’t have 56 so hard to tell if that fits and how big difference is

got to order in blind
OK then wait for a response from someone here who owns one or email Chris from Propel and ask his opinion. He has a number of YouTube videos where he mentions something about sizing. I am sure you can email him.
I see the Delete model (2021) has a 56 cm frame but not the Charger 3. It seems the 56 frame size is from 1.9 to 2.0 m rider height which seems to be ideal for someone your height. I still think you need to test ride one. Just be aware that the handle bars have some adjustment for your reach so you may still be able to adjust a 53 cm to your comfort level.
On the R&M website, the Charger 3 does indeed have a 53 and 56 size option (USA)